Another month come and gone. Welcome November - weave on!



I have been spending my time moving heddles around on my counter balance Spanish Walking Loom.  Maybe if I say something about it here it will motivate me to get it done.  At this point I am halfway through.  I am going to go a rep weave rug once I get the loom all set up.  Okay, let's see if I can get it moved, warp measured, threaded and wound on by Tuesday.  That's my goal!  Oh I have a long weekend off from work, four days, that should help.


Thanks ReedGuy, that's 16S from Fred Pennington's The fanciest Twills of all , found on I'm counting on the tracking coming out in the wash, usually does. You come down south to MI? I love Michigan. We're going tomorrow, for a week supposed to get snow, snow, snow :) More treadles, add it to your list, right? You can get a lot done in 4 days:)

tien (not verified)

Finally back to weaving after an entire month spent on chocolate! I'm playing with stenciling on warps before weaving them up - here's the stenciled warp, before rinsing:

stenciled warp

And here are the first few inches of weaving:

half woven stenciled warp


Tien - I always find your projects so interesting and inspiring

loomyladi (not verified)

Your flair and style is so inspiring.  What happens if a thread breaks?  How do you make the repair and have it fit?

sally orgren

We hiked to some ruins today. It was a 45 degree (or greater) climb up, which I call a "scramble" more than a hike. I didn't look down while going up, but it meant I practically crab-walked (or scooched on my butt) more than 50% of my way back down. I will be stiff-walking tomorrow. Way too steep for Bandit.


I think I would have done the same thing! Btw, looks like you will probably get snow while in Taos. If you end up at Village Wools on Tuesday, the local spinners and weavers guild will be meeting that morning.


Sally, I'd be " feeling the burn" and reaching for the Advil :) it's beautiful out there!


Some of you folks sure get around, I don't know when you weave. LOL

Sally, that old ruin is quite interesting.

When I worked on the west coast, we would often find an old dugout canoe 'in progress' and abandoned in the woods. Make from western red cedar. Also, flew over head by chopper of the one Cumskewa Haida village on Louis Island. The long houses were long rotten down, but there was a totem still standing. It was abandoned 100 years ago, probably closer to 120 by now.

Cathie, for me MI is west, then south. I go through the Saulte. About 3 cars every 50 miles. :D


Yes, forgot to mention the west part :) Met this guy briefly who carved Totem Poles( cedar ) , HERE, in Cincinnati. I just kick myself that I didn't get his name! I would love to apprentice to learn this. I know it would take forever! I have a fascination with Pacific Northwest Art, especially Totem Poles and Chilkat ( sp?) Dancing Blankets. The ProvincialMuseum of B.C. Has a great collection of a Totem Poles and some Chilkat Dancing Blankets. When I was thinking about a specialization for the COE I almost did the Dancing Blankets, I still want to build a weighted loom and make one. After Michigan, going out to B.C. To visit the newly weds , dad's 90 th birthday party. Will check out the museum again:)

tien (not verified)

Uh...I'm still figuring that out. At the moment I'm picking whatever thread matches the pattern (dark or light), and tying a knot. Highly suboptimal, of course - I'm trying to talk to people who do ikat to find out how they repair warp threads, but haven't found anyone yet. The problem is that most people who do ikat or stenciled-warp work (among U.S. handweavers, anyway) are working with heavier threads - not much worry about breaking 10/2 cotton, for example. 60/2 silk is more prone to breakage, especially if the tension is uneven.

sally orgren

And we did not bring our skis.

Tien, I am working on a 20/2 silk handpainted scarf, where the painted areas are supposed to match the woven structure, and have encountered the same problem. If you find a solution, let us know!

Cathie and everyone else, safe travels. 


sally orgren

who will be anywhere near Ann Arbor, should give Mary Underwood a call!


The museum in NYC has a lot of Pacific NW Indian artifacts, saw a lot of Haida masks and costumes there. There was a fellow in Prince Rupert who had a shop where he carved totems.

For a glimpse of old Haida villages look at some of Gordon Miller's reditions (paintings) from old late 19C photographs. Haida made permanent dwellings and less nomadic than other natives, but also traveled long distance by water.


on the road today - I encountered everything from light drizzling rain to blinding rain that you can't see through, freezing rain, sleet, snow - the sun came out for a few minutes to create glare then disappeared again. And all 700 miles was wind - a cold, strong north wind - hopefully going forward tomorrow will be better - I don't mind the cold if the rest of the weather will hold off til' I get to mom's! I am going to knit for a bit, maybe spin a bit - then it is off to bed. Weave on all - safe travels to all the folks out there.


Thanks Sally, you too, Yes , safe travels! Suppose to have gale force winds here, we're on the lake and buckets full of snow. Glad we'll be inside. Tina that sounds like the drive from hell! I really hope tomorrow is much better for you! ReedGuy, I will look up Gordon Miller, thanks! Tien, I don't know if this would work but if in the beginning ikating a few extra warps at key pattern points, then pulling them away from the warp to " save" . When a broken end occurred it might be possible to take the ikated thread and shift it into the design. A thought. Cathie


Hmmm, or even just a few dyed light, a few dyed dark,  and a few light on one end and dark on the other. Between those you could find one to tie into the place needing repair. 


Sally, We are still interested in the red overshot placemats. Could you either reply to this and send me your email or email me directly? I still am not able to reply to your private messages. I have sent a note to the administrator but have not heard back from them yet. They have it blocked for new members to prevent spam. Thanks. Teresa

sally orgren


I was noticing the "new" New Mexico plates are a background of turquiose with golden letters & numbers, and in the center is a Zia with a small red or red-orange center. So I was wondering, would the scarf benefit from a zing of red or red-orange? I am thinking something like a small stripe in the weft, maybe just 2 or 3 passes? Or one motif (in pick up) in that color?

We had blowing snow for most of the drive east, but it got much better when we hit New Mexico. 

FYI Teresa — I followed up.


The snow isn't due here in New Mexico till tomorrow - noon Saturday through 6 a.m. Monday. The roads will be clear again Monday afternoon. 


Sally, Brilliant! You know how Tapestry Weavers sign their name into their piece. Well the warp is already on the loom and the weaving is underway, but I think I'll do a small motif inlay as my signature in what? Zing red or red-orange !Fabulous idea! Inspiration comes from everywhere! Come to to think of it I might do it "tapestry style" with butterflies and clasped wefts ,my tapestry teacher would get a kick out of that. I'm thinking 4 inches up ( like right now ) 3 diamonds in. Only one diamond. I have two days next week to get it done, 4 ins woven now. Gonna be busy:) Tapestry this morning, in fact most of the day. It's really windy and dark!


Oh clasped weft won't work it will go into the other motifs! So inlay it is!


Silly me, of course it will work,clasped wefts, more coffee please, sorry!

loomyladi (not verified)

Packing the studio.  I wont have such a nice space at the new place, at least not for awhile.  So I have to do some weeding and sorting.  I'll be taking some rough wool to the local resale shop as well as a variety of other things that are taking up space.  I disassembled a 26" rigid heddle, wondering why I purchased it, besides it being cheap.  I guess it will go back to Maryland S&W this year.  Ahhh well, enough of a break - back to work.


Made a couple new treadles this morning for the overshot weaving I want to do later this winter. They are sanded down also. I will put some shellac on the wood later. As soon as I get the current project finished on the loom, I will drill 2 new cord holes in each lamm. As you can see, expanding the loom already. :D

sally orgren

Looking at a lot of weaving. Here is a quick study in contrasts-

Seen at an antique shop in Mesa, AZ:

And in Taos, NM:

Ok—maybe not so much contrast. Both are complex weaves, both executed on looms, and the mind(s) of the weaver(s) who designed and then executed both had to be pretty sharp.


Yes that is very sharp weaving Sally. I've seen cloth like that or the same thing in old books I downloaded of the digital archives. Let me look for the name.


'Figured and Fancy Coverlets in the US', Clarita Anderson (1988).  I guess it was a scholarly article in a college journal after all.


Sally, thanks for the photos, both are so beautiful ! Nice to look at on this snowy morn! ReedGuy, some day I want to see a picture of your loom. It must be a real beauty!


I don't have the shuttle boxes on there at the moment, that is the reason for the extended length of the beater race. ;)

I've built all my weaving equipment, except for a couple of the reeds.

mrdubyah (not verified)

AVL end feed shuttle

I sure am grateful to my very generous friend Sylvia who gifted me an AVL end feed shuttle some time ago.  Now I'm totally end feed addicted,especially for weaving linen towels!   DRW


Looks nice. That is another one of my projects to make a hand endfeed shuttle. I have a flyshuttle that is, but it's not good for hand thrown weaving.

Glad your having sucess with your new EF shuttle.

sally orgren

Say it ain't so!!! You are REED GUY!


Haha! In name only. I have Leclerc Reeds I bought and a 4 dent reed I made. The trouble is sourcing the steel in small quantities for the dents. It's about impossible.


Wow and I thought hand making a few suttles and a weaving sword was hot stuff...LOL  your Loom is FANTABULOUS....I love doing little things for myself by hand but this LOOM  I am speechless (nearly) If you ask my hubby he will tell you my being speechless is a miracle worthy of calling the VATICAN about !!!  lol lol  thanks for the PHOTO.


being on the internet a few days and come back to many,many posts to catch up on. Glad to see so much activity in here! I am safe in Wyoming - got hereSarutday evening. After the drive from hell on Friday, satuday was a breeze. Gorgeous weaving photos Sally - and reedguy, always like seeing your loom. Cathie can't wait to see the finished scarf!


Weave on all!

La La

That is REALLY impressive...... Very nice.


tapestry in front of the fireplace! let it snow, let it snow!


Finished my table cloth.

My uncle passed a year ago, and he liked a new table cloth every time he turned around. Had a bunch of different china dish sets and was always putting on feeds and inviting a crown in. Miss the old fart in times like these. Died to soon, I was just getting into weaving on my new loom. ;)

Now I need some new place mats, sigh... :)

sally orgren

Here are some images from Taos. Southwest Weaving (in Arroyo Seco, just north of Taos) was a great destination. I had to pick up a few things — including their sample cards for future purchases. A terrific source for Churro and as you can see, LOTS of great colors.

One of the distinctive aspects of weaving found in this region is the use of "walking" looms. I LOVED weaving on one of these looms while attending Convergence 2010. (And yes, Weaving Southwest offers classes on their walking looms, too.) 

Here's Bandit perched on the front beam, with a piece woven by featured artist Donna Loraine Contractor hanging from the loom frame.

sally orgren

Pammersw, so sorry to have missed you in ABQ. I had a delightful stop at Tierra Wools, bought a book, and met one of your guildmates. (Wish I could have come to the guild meeting Tuesday morning!)

I thought THIS particular dyechart was priceless (as seen at Tierra Wools). I'd love to give the person who created it a big hug. Now, can anyone tell me where I can get some of these flavors of Kool Aid— like Jamaica or Mango?


Bandit looks as fascinated by this weaving as I am! Beautiful! What fun!

tien (not verified)

WOWZA!! That's one heck of a loom! And built entirely by you.

I wish I had TWO hats, so I could take them both off to you!

tien (not verified)

I've had a very busy and stressful week or two, but I'm pleased to say that I'm buying a 48", 40-shaft AVL loom! And at a very nice price.

The downside is that the loom is in Minneapolis, so I'm flying out there in a bit over two weeks to disassemble and ship it. I spent the last week or so frantically researching shipping and making arrangements, but I think I've got a handle on it now. So I can FINALLY relax!

Bonus news: I already sold my AVL WDL! The new owner won't be picking it up until I've verified that the new loom is working, though, so I won't be loom-less at any time. I'm thrilled; that will help me with cash flow. The loom was a great deal, but still a sizable chunk of change - and flying out there and shipping it isn't cheap either! So having a sale lined up for the WDL is a good thing.

tien (not verified)

Oh, and I finished and overdyed the stenciled warp. Here are some photos of the finished sample. In the first one, the woven piece is on the left, the stencil is on the right, so you can judge how true the finished piece is - not bad at all!

finished stenciled warp

And here is a closeup of the woven sample:

closeup of stenciled-warp sample


And, finally, here is the sample after overdyeing:

dyed stenciled-warp piece

I don't really like the overdyeing - the scarlet is too assertive. The yellow/orange sections near the top look much better. Also, the background isn't dark enough. I'm going to fix those in the next sample by using a 3-1 broken twill background instead of plain weave. But I have to put on a new warp first!


Kool aid dye chart!  that's totoally awesome, I need some little kids to play with, ummmm no I don't , I just need some kool aid:)

Tien,40 AVL shafts, I just know you'll be weaving the most exquisite cloth, you already do.


to you ReedGuy, a very belated Happy Thanksgiving:) It was Dad's and Marvie's 1st Anniversary right around Canadian Thanksgiving this year. The newlyweds are going strong. Dad turns 90 in 1 week! Marvie just turned 86!


Wow you all have been productive! Tien, I love following your progress!

Reedguy your loom looks just like my commercial loom, kudos!

Pammersw, I've been participating in NaNoWriMo as well! I hit 6k thisyear, but that may be all I get on my historical fantasy this month. My main character spins and weaves, and incorporates magic jnto both. ;)

I have Thanksgiving off. I used some of today to weave off and finish the strap for my bag. I finally finished warping my tapestry loom for my tapestry diary! And I rethreaded the reed for my more dense sett sample for the never ending comission!


That is cool that there is another wrimo here! I have slightly over 3,000 words to go to "win" nanowrimo, but that will probably be only halfway through the story. Look me up: pammersw. I try to write an hour or hour and a half each evening. This is my most consistent nanowrimo yet!

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