Another month come and gone. Welcome November - weave on!


sally orgren

Tien, if you get a chance to stop by the center as part of your trip for the loom pick up, DO check out their library. 

I shipped a loom about 15+ years ago, in the early days on the Internet when AOL was the big dog and hosted an active weaving group. I had it crated and shipped from Oregon, all went well. (It also took me more than a month to work out the shipping details. The cost of shipping was more than the cost of the loom, but totally worth it!



Thanks for the loom compliments all. It's much like a Glamikra Standard loom.

Tien, that's a nice piece. A lot of work to that. 40 shaft loom, I hope the tie up is easy on your loom. I can see lots of detailed woven pieces coming off that loom. Wow.

Cathie, I'm happy for your dad that he found himself another soul mate.

When I got home from the woods today I had to get thawed out. Cold wind all day and getting colder by the hour. Rained hard yesterday all day and ended this morning with some light snow.

Burr, sitting by a nice wood fire from the furnace. LOL

Happy American Thanksgiving, keep warm by your looms. :)

rosearbor (not verified)

For those of us in the States (and the District!), Happy Thanksgiving.  DC is empty on my end of town.  No sirens, no traffic on NY Ave or Mass Ave.  It's actually wonderful.  Maybe only 10% of the apts/condos around are occupied, although the hotels are all full.  I've just put away the last of the food for leftovers, and am working on threading up a new tablet weaving pattern- this time in missed-hole technique.  For some reason it's taking me forever.  

Tien, have been following your loom acquisition- I am  enjoying the vicarious experience, without having to do the work!  (and I have to visit your blog every day to get my kitty fix).  I cant wait to see what you will do with 40 shafts.


Waco - sitting in motel in Kansas at the moment! Hoping to get looms waped soon so I can start weaving - I am in serious withdrawl!



What are you going to make when you get back home?


I am planning on starting a halvkrabba sampler - and I need to plan some towels for a friend of mine


You're sending me to my weaving books, Tina to look up a picture of halvkrabba! sounds like fun:) I'm waiting to get back home and getting that scarf woven before I take off again in short order. safe travels.



New one for me to. I have read about Halvdräll (a 4 shaft block weave) but not halvkrabba. :)


krabba and halvkrabba on my sampler that is my avatar - its one of the art weaves I learned in my October workshop

tien (not verified)

Thanks Sally! I'm not yet sure how much (if any) free time I'll have, but will stop by there if I can. I am so totally psyched about this loom!


And I'm halfway through threading my new warp - the last warp I will ever weave on my Workshop Dobby Loom. It's already been sold, though the new owner has agreed not to pick it up until I have the new loom in working order.


Finished my novel about an hour ago! (Or rather, finished the portion that will be written during NaNoWriMo! I still have a lot of story to finish.)

My writing tonight? Drop spindle and spinning wheel lessons! I spun for about two hours beforehand to make sure I remembered all the little "pointers" the teacher would tell her students. :)


"Krabba" used to be called "krabbasnår" (ring over the last a) - the snår part is thought to be a derivative of the verb snärja (double dots over the first a). Snärja means, roughly, snare, ensnare, trap (in this context rather "encircle")

"Snärjväv" is what we call soumak in Swedish - and the "snärj-" or "-snår" is sometimes used for hand-manipulated inlay techniques.

- just so you know, should you encounter the word in some older Swe book :-)


Thank you Kerstin! Tina, the sampler really is gorgeous! Tapestry this morning, then tomorrow home. Then off to Victoria!

Joanne Hall

Hi Kerstin,

In the class, we used the spring issue of VAV magazine.  Perhaps you remember this Skåna theme issue.  On page 50 is the sampler of techniques, made into a bag.  It was interesting to me that this sampler can only be woven on Swedish type looms, with the warp going straight to the back of the loom, in order to do the pick up weaves.  So, in the workshop, we had to round up Glimakra counterbalance and countermarch looms, as the sampler could not be woven on jack looms.



I finished my bag strap and resleighed my undulating twill sampler. I am going for a more dense sett for clothing. I attended the Cambidge Guild Talk today. It was a fascinating discussion of a member's MFA works! Her works have been inspired by math, codes, and personal experiences!


I am ready for my overshot lesson. :D I already had success with 10/2 cotton at 28 epi on another block weave, so I'll go with that sett on these. I'll use the two shuttle method, so I guess my pattern weft will be on my left. I will use the save 10/2, but two passes in the shed. That way I can catch the tabby weft on the opposite selvege when I return 'home' with the pattern weft. Hmm looks like the pattern weft will always end on the left and the tabby will be right, then left. This will be interesting. LOL :D

I want to mess with different tie-ups as well to change the halftone effect.

373 ends, here we come.

Sally, what/how did you finish your overshot mats? I'll have to look back and see here.

sally orgren

Fold over twice so the raw edge is completely contained, and yes, I DO hand stitch them.

If you need an "extra hand", you can use a fusible product to hold the first fold down to make the next fold and hemming easier. I use lots of pins and do this with the iron handy when making the folds. 

Sunday night is a good TV night for hemming here in the US...


Thanks for the help. That seems to be the way they hemmed some commercial ones I have. I guess they are woven the long way, so the narrowest edge is hemmed. I first I planned the warp to be the wide part. But everyone else did it the other way. Ash backwards on my part. :)

A good night/day anytime here. I don't watch much TV and don't subscribe to any. These are going on the sewing machine. LOL ;)

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