RHweaver (not verified)

We don't have a time frame - it officially started Saturday but I don't think anyone has their loom warped yet. :-)  And there is no end date either (I will probably be the last one done, as I'm a very pokey weaver). 

We're doing log cabin, you pick what you want to weave in the pattern. :-D  Here's a link to the group if you're interested:

RH Group

We would be glad to have you join us! :-D


erinleigh06 (not verified)

I suppose I qualify as a cardboard loom weaver.  I was bored one day a work and, being a new and obsessed weaver, I realized I could make a loom.  So I cut a piece of cardboard from a box of printer paper, notched out all four sides and wove the only "fiber" I had- rubber bands.  I bent a paper clip to use as a shuttle.  The result is actually rather adorable although I don't really have a use for it.  I'll post a picture within the next couple of days. 

dteaj (not verified)


There are a few comments if you look in Groups for Wire, sticks and straw. They just don't seem to be connected to the forum. Confusing... Or perhaps I'm just the one confused?

dteaj (not verified)


There are a few comments if you look in Groups for Wire, sticks and straw. They just don't seem to be connected to the forum. Confusing... Or perhaps I'm just the one confused?

ilaine (not verified)

Mistress Ilaine de Cameron of Ostgarde in the East here. I've been inactive for around ten years, but trying to keep tabs on the SCA and get back in one of these days. Meanwhile I'm quietly making stuff with string in whatever period takes my fancy.

CindyBlue (not verified)

Hi! I'm so glad that Weavolution is up and running, and that there is a Bay Area Group! Looking forward to meeting everyone!

CindyBlue (not verified)

Hi! I'm so glad that Weavolution is up and running, and that there is a Bay Area Group! Looking forward to meeting everyone!

Cally (not verified)

I like your "group statement" - my particular weakness is Tencel envy... 

My looms and I live in Scotland, with my husband and - at the moment - a vacancy for a cat (or two).  I've been weaving for 5 years although it seems like much longer... From 2005-2007 I did the Bradford handweaving HNC which was the most stressful, intense and rewarding thing I have ever undertaken.  The thing I miss about it is the regular contact with fellow-weavers, as my local guild is dominated by spinning, but I keep a blog and have "met" a lot of weavers that way.  I do spin, although rather haphazardly, and sometimes use my handspun in weaving, which gives me a monstrous amount of pleasure - far out of proportion to the success of the yarn or the cloth!


bibliotecaria (not verified)

Where did you get the drafts for the Viking twill patterns? Was there a publication or did you have to research it yourself?

bibliotecaria (not verified)

Where did you get the drafts for the Viking twill patterns? Was there a publication or did you have to research it yourself?