hazelb (not verified)


I live in Wales with way too many looms and dogs. Oh not forgetting the stash of yarn that has been growing for about 15 years LOL

Manicgirl (not verified)

I also have an 8-shaft Glimåkra ideal, but so far, I've only used 4 shafts. My next warp will be 8 shafts, and I'll let you know how it goes. Hopefully someone else can give you some suggestions.

Manicgirl (not verified)

I also have an 8-shaft Glimåkra ideal, but so far, I've only used 4 shafts. My next warp will be 8 shafts, and I'll let you know how it goes. Hopefully someone else can give you some suggestions.

Manicgirl (not verified)

I have an 8-shaft Glimåkra, but I've only used 4 shafts so far. Ever since I first tried weaving with a countermarch, I understood how much fun weaving really can be. No more nasty sheds!

Some day, I hope to own an Öxabäck loom, they are simply a dream to weave on! I better start saving my money, or pray for a bargain on the second hand market.

Manicgirl (not verified)

I have an 8-shaft Glimåkra, but I've only used 4 shafts so far. Ever since I first tried weaving with a countermarch, I understood how much fun weaving really can be. No more nasty sheds!

Some day, I hope to own an Öxabäck loom, they are simply a dream to weave on! I better start saving my money, or pray for a bargain on the second hand market.

ilaine (not verified)

oooh, new loom joy :)

ilaine (not verified)

living on a sailboat? wow that sounds just fabulous.    You might want to check out backstrap weaving - takes just as little (maybe less) room, and won't be ruined if it gets wet.

Woven_Spun (not verified)

Hi there  I think I found out how to post in the actual forums now.  YAY.


I am working on painting warps right now.  nothing actually on the loom, but that might change today to test out this cotton/rayon warp.


I find that I weave more in the winter and paint and dye yarns more in the summer.  But I still weave every chance I get.

Woven_Spun (not verified)

Hi there  I think I found out how to post in the actual forums now.  YAY.


I am working on painting warps right now.  nothing actually on the loom, but that might change today to test out this cotton/rayon warp.


I find that I weave more in the winter and paint and dye yarns more in the summer.  But I still weave every chance I get.

lisack (not verified)

Hi everyone,

I am Lisa.  We have 25 acres in Frederick Maryland. I breed white and colored registered angora goats.  We currently have 6 bucks (way too many), 8 does and 10 new kids.  We have white, browns and blacks.  We shear twice a year, so I have a gracious plenty of mohair.  I've been working to find nice fine wool fleeces in order to get a nice blend that I can send out to be processed into yarn. I dye fleece and yarn.  I like to weave clothing weight cloth on my AVL loom.  I'm currently investigating network drafting which I've never done before.