Cinda Wismar (not verified)

Hi Dawn, we met at the Point Bonita Intensive last year.  I do not yet weave, however, my husband is a beginner on the Ridged Heddle and I support him and help him with his choice of yarns and so forth.  I do, however, knit, crochet and am a beginner spinner.  Thus our household is full of cottage industry projects and plans.  I plan to familiarize myself more and more with the weaving world so as to support my husband and to perhaps (knowing myself as I do) become a weaver myself.  Thanks so much for starting this forum.  I sooooo look forward to learning more.

Cinda Wismar (not verified)

Hi Lisa, I am from the Napa County in California.  Currently, I do not have any animals, but have future plans to do so.  I am most interested in the small Pygora goats.  The fiber looks very interesting and the animal itself would be small enough for me to handle by myself.  I am hoping to learn more about animal husbandry and the care of the animal fiber on this forum.  I currently knit, crochet, spin, needlework of all kinds and sew.  My husband is learning to weave on a ridged heddle.  However, knowing us, after he masters the ridged heddle, I know he will be ready to move up to something larger.   :-0

HazelRose (not verified)

Sounds like it might make a little non-slip pad for a vase or knick knack. Just goes to show, if you want to weave, there is always 'supplies' on hand!

erinleigh06 (not verified)

That's a great idea- its pretty tiny but I could put a little bud vase on it.  It was a lot of fun imagining what "fiber" I had available from office supplies.  It makes me want to weave a set of desk objects, like a pen holder or something out of office supplies. 

pattio (not verified)

I have a brand new RH loom from Ashford, I've had it awhile, it's all polished and stained and ready to go, but I haven't had a chance to warp it yet!  I admit I'm a bit intimidated by the warping process.  We are leaving on Vacation for two weeks on Friday, so it won't happen till we get back.  I'm looking forward to learning to weave!!! Glad I found this site, and this group.

HazelRose (not verified)

Been doing this for years. Taught art in grade school and we made cardboard looms and warped with cotton string then gathered plant materials around the school ground and used them with an assortment of fibers we brought from home. It's amazing what you can come up with with a bunch of kids with no preset ideas of what weaving ought to be. Cat tail & day lily leaves make good weaving material & tho the lily stems get brittle as they dry they are attractive. Rolled and flattened magazine pages are interesting, too. But I am mostly talking 'art' rather than fabric. But good for place mats, pads, mats of all sorts... anything that does not need to be really flexible. I made some seat pads from rolled newspaper that lasted for quite awhile and are thick enough to actually add a little 'padding'. Works pretty well for sitting on grass.

Kaelyn95667 (not verified)

I've inherited an old Bexell Cranbrook.  I love it but am always looking for better ways to tie it up.  Right now it's set properly and I've been weaving rag rugs.  Now that I think of it, I've never woven fabric.  I use a Gilmore jack loom for that.  Anyway, looking forward to countermarche chitchat.

pattio (not verified)

I'm a total newbie to weaving. I have the Ashford RH loom, but have not even warped it yet!  Right now I'm an avid knitter, and spinner, so weaving seemed like the next logical step and I'm anxious to get started, but intimidated by it at the same time!  We are leaving on vacation for two weeks on Friday, so my goal is to get it warped upon my return, no matter how confusing it seems to me! 



pattio (not verified)

I'm a total newbie to weaving. I have the Ashford RH loom, but have not even warped it yet!  Right now I'm an avid knitter, and spinner, so weaving seemed like the next logical step and I'm anxious to get started, but intimidated by it at the same time!  We are leaving on vacation for two weeks on Friday, so my goal is to get it warped upon my return, no matter how confusing it seems to me! 



Becky (not verified)

I am a new weaver from the Humboldt Handweavers and Spinners Guild in the far north. I have a Louet Hollandia countermarche that I haven't used yet. I also have an older Schact rigid heddle that I'm having lots of fun with.

It's good to see this group!  Thanks, Dawn!