claudia (not verified)

I usually avoid threading f2b but with my latest warp have no choice.  I am using a big exercise ball to sit on.  My physical therapist likes the body position I get and my butt doesn't get tired.  Also, it is the perfect size for me to be at eye level with the heddles and I can move around with ease.

Claudia, a life long bad back sufferer

claudia (not verified)

Have you checked out Peggy Osterkamp's book?  I can't remember which book it's in, but I'll look it up and let you know.  anyway, I know I saw ideas in there.

Claudia outside DC

claudia (not verified)

Ok, it's the 2nd book.  "Warping Your Loom and Tying On New Warps", she has an entire chapter on countermarche looms.  Good luck.


Dustbunnies (not verified)

I am using a 12 Shaft Louet Spring, named Lily Louet and I'm in love with her.  After 20+ years of weaving and learning the foibles various Jack looms and one cranky Scandinavian countermarche, I've never had an easier loom to work with.   Admittedly the tie ups take longer, but the shed.....oh how I love those huge sheds!

Sagadis (not verified)

I've been working on creating Viking weaves on a 4 shaft floor loom because I can't use a warp weighted one do to a shoulder problem.  I've also experimented with a couple of Middle Ages style weaves for a couple of projects and I do a lot of tablet weaving for sale (mostly threaded in patterns because they go more quickly so I can sell them at an affordable price).  Lately I've been working on various Viking twill patterns,  I just finished a couple of projects using patterns fround in the Osberg ship burrial.

Looking forward to hearing from everyone!


Sagadis (not verified)

I've been working on creating Viking weaves on a 4 shaft floor loom because I can't use a warp weighted one do to a shoulder problem.  I've also experimented with a couple of Middle Ages style weaves for a couple of projects and I do a lot of tablet weaving for sale (mostly threaded in patterns because they go more quickly so I can sell them at an affordable price).  Lately I've been working on various Viking twill patterns,  I just finished a couple of projects using patterns fround in the Osberg ship burrial.

Looking forward to hearing from everyone!


Sagadis (not verified)

I'm living in the Irish Republic, but I can agree with the goals of the group!  I finally got my Baby Wolf floor loom over here after 10 years of trying, three years ago and I'm just now really learning how to use it well.

I have found a couple of good sources of wool yarn, like Kerry Wool Mill and a couple of them in the UK but it took awhile.  I'll try and post the main wholesale company I've been using in London for several years as soon as I find the catalog.  The lady at the London Handweaver's Studio said I might as well order direct rather than from her, since I was in Ireland and needed larger amounts.




nalmaraz (not verified)

Welcome! I am a new weaver who cannot stop picking up looms. I now have an inklette, tablet, 24" Harp, 12" Cricket, and 38" Lillstina. I've woven on each except for the tablets (copper!) and the 4-shaft floor loom. I bought the Beginning Four Harness DVD to watch (possibly tomorrow) at Stitches South.

Many of our local spinning/knitting groups also weave, and I hope they will come and join this group!


:) Nicole(Gainesville)


Sagadis (not verified)

Hi everyone, great to see more SCA and other historical weavers!  I do mostly tablet weaving for sale but lately I've been experimenting with Viking Twills on my Baby Wolf loom.  I've also done some inkle weaving, in fact I do most of my tablet weaving on an inkle loom, but I'm really enjoying my floor loom.  I also have a 4 shaft table loom, but I don't get as many chance to use it.  But I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone's doing.

Sagadis (not verified)

Hi everyone, great to see more SCA and other historical weavers!  I do mostly tablet weaving for sale but lately I've been experimenting with Viking Twills on my Baby Wolf loom.  I've also done some inkle weaving, in fact I do most of my tablet weaving on an inkle loom, but I'm really enjoying my floor loom.  I also have a 4 shaft table loom, but I don't get as many chance to use it.  But I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone's doing.