MadScientistK (not verified)

Hi, I'm Kara. I really consider myself more of a fiber artist than specifically a weaver since I've only finished one woven piece. I like to weave on found objects like potato chip cans, and I made a frame loom that can be used with string heddles or for continuous weaving. I'm working on a cotton scarf in plain weave on the frame loom, a little bag on a gelatin box, and a rigid heddle design from recycled materials. I'd like to start going to guild meetings but it always seems to conflict with something.

I also knit, crochet, spin, dye, do beadwork and wirework, and occasionally sew. My preschool-age daughter gets most of my time, though!

RuTemple (not verified)

Started out as a rigid heddler, and still wear that alpaca scarf I made 40-odd years ago!  After decades, I'm back to weaving, and have four-shaft looms; Mom (Mary Temple, a teacher and weaver in her own right) has passed along to me her c.1976 Beka 20" RHFL which I'd best get warped up (dressed!) for a photo.



LauraR (not verified)

Also in Northwest AR, member of NWA Handweavers Guild and teacher at NWA Summer Fiber Seminar.

gweft (not verified)

I'm the proud owner of a used (late 1980's) Glimakra Standard, 8-shaft, 10-treadle loom.  I love weaving on this incredible "instrument" -- and am frankly impressed with myself for putting it together alone.  The parts fit beautifully, and my maiden voyage in tying everything up and weaving was smooth sailing.   The shed is incredible, big enough to drive a truck through, and the treadles are amazingly easy to depress.  (Can you tell I'm a happy camper?)   I look forward to learning helpful tips from others more experienced with countermarche looms, and with weaving in general. 


gweft (not verified)

I'm the proud owner of a used (late 1980's) Glimakra Standard, 8-shaft, 10-treadle loom.  I love weaving on this incredible "instrument" -- and am frankly impressed with myself for putting it together alone.  The parts fit beautifully, and my maiden voyage in tying everything up and weaving was smooth sailing.   The shed is incredible, big enough to drive a truck through, and the treadles are amazingly easy to depress.  (Can you tell I'm a happy camper?)   I look forward to learning helpful tips from others more experienced with countermarche looms, and with weaving in general. 


Stringlady (not verified)

I've woven on and off since I was a kid, but haven't had my loom for quite a few years, now. I just bought (last week!) a new floor loom, and am about to get back into this. Timing is perfect!

Orion (not verified)

 Well, I was weaving with "normal" fibers until I took a class from Patricia Morton involving weaving with plants.

Now, my daffodils, irises and other plants are being eyed very suspiciously.

I wove my plants into an eyeglass case and plan on making some purses. 

I guess you could call it grass cloth but it's a lot of fun to weave.

The current issue of Handwoven has an article on plant weaving by the woman who taught my teacher :-)

Orion (not verified)

 I just discovered a great way to keep track of the number of passes when I'm at my warping board.

It's my old fashioned abacus!

I just rest it on the lower pegs near where I start and subsequently reverse direction (thread 1 going up and thread 2 coming down). Now I automatically slide two beads over each time I'm there and never worry about my count. Of course, I use a counting string but this helps me get to 10 threads so much faster!

claudia (not verified)

Hey Glenda,

I've had my Harp for about 6 months and I have done 3 projects on it.  I love having the warping board on the back and the warp helper is excellent.  In fact, my warp helper split in half and they replaced it for free.  Also, I screwed up when I put the handles on when assembling it and messed up my back beam and they replaced that.  My bf put the handles on the second time.  Be careful when putting it together.  Make sure you are lined up properly when screwing things in and on.  Other than that, it's a great, protable loom.  The DVD that comes with it is excellent, I learned everything I needed to put it together and warp it up. 

Feel free to pm me if you need any help, not that i am any authority, but I have been using my Harp.


claudia (not verified)

That's a great idea.  I have always wanted to do a WAL and never had it come up at the right time. 

Sounds like fun, an maybe a little different with an rh loom.

