Good morning!  Assembly of the new to me loom is under way.  The previous owner had it set up for 16 shafts.  She had gotten the parts for the other 4 when she bought it, but never ended up switching it to all 20.

I tried to install them yesterday, and got quite the surprise.  I tapped out the bottom rods, put Vaseline in the hole on the lam and tried to slide it on, only to find it doesn't fit.  My husband came to see what was going on, and we measured and confirmed that the rods on my loom are about 1/16th inch wider in diameter than the holes in the jacks and lamms!  Also, the area on the jacks and lamms where the holes are seems to be about 1/16th inch deeper than the ones on my loom, so that even though it is clearly able to take 20 harnesses, the extra 4 jacks/lamms won't fit (I measured the room left in the castle, and when you stack the four jacks together, they take up 5/16th inch more than the room left in the castle).

Anyone seen this before?  I'm wondering if there was a manufacturing change in the rods/jacks/lamms between when the loom was made (late 1970s) and when the additional 4 shafts were purchased (1985?).  I don't really want to have to go back to Macomber and repurchase the jacks and lamms.  I'm thinking about drilling out the centers to get the extra 1/16th.  Thoughts?

On another note, does anyone have a picture of a double back beam assembly with two friction brakes?  The loom has two plain beams, both with friction brakes. I've got it back together as it was when I purchased it, but have a distinct lack of tension on the lower beam, and I can't see where a gentle tap on the brake would release the top beam, while a more firm tap would release both. I'll figure out how to post a picture and get that up later.

Thanks for any and all advice!



Just bumping to see if anyone has run into this issue before with the holes on the jacks and lamms being too small for the rods.  I'm weaving away with it set up for 16H, but I'd like to expand it up to the full 20 (and get the extra parts safely out of the garage).  Thanks!

morgan clifford

I have a double beam that has a friction brake on the top beam and a ratchet on the bottom.  Would that help?  I can send pics if you want.


hi Morgan, I'm sorry I didn't see your reply sooner, but if you are still willing to send pictures of the two beam/2 different brakes set up, that would be most appreciated.  I haven't used the second beam yet, but am contemplating a project that I would likely need it for, so I'd like to try to get it set up right.

thanks, Angie

wirewoven (not verified)

my macomber has ratchet style brake. Which means I have to go to the back of the loom to advance.  If I try it from the front. The whole rug unwinds.    What am I doing wrong?   Can I change it to a friction brake?

Any help here?


Michael White

By unwinding do you mean the cloth beam or the warp beam? You don't need a friction brake what you need is a drag cord on your warp beam. Macomber makes one which goes on the right side of the loom. What I do is wrap a heavy cord around the beam and tie the ends over the top beam this will add just enough friction to keep the warp from jumping when you release the brake.


this how Macomber does the drag cord



I had the same problem with my TOTT loom, and found that if I FIRST released tension on the cloth beam, then released the brake on the warp beam, it didn't go anywhere.


Are you still having issues with the additional 4 shafts?

When you purchase a frame for 20 shafts and don't fill it, they put spacers in so the jacks and treadles don't slip around.  Could those still be in place, causing things not to fit?

As to depth, did someone install thicker pads?

If this is not the cause, you definitely need Michael's help.


HI Bythebook,  I have a 1953 48" Mac with two double back beam assembly with two friction brakes. One is plain beam and the other is sectional. Did you hook yours up and have it work correctly? I am needing a picture if you still have the loom.

Thanks, and to anyone who has a pic of double back beam assembly with two friction brakes on a Mac.



Hi. Did the additional 4 shafts not fitting issue ever get resolved? I purchased a 1958 40" with 5 harnesses and some day after I get the loom all cleaned up and make sure it is sound, would love to add more. I have been following every discussion I can find to learn as much as I can. Thanks!