Sounds like everyone has managed to get their project started and that's great.
I must be honest and report that I was unable to even warp my loom because of the other commitments and medical appointments that ate up too many days this month. I have learned so much from all the projects and comments posted here and the learning doesn't have to stop here.
My progress is this: I have the yarn and calculated the warp (love the weavolution warp calculator HERE). Next, I will finish the scarf on my 8 shaft Julia loom and get warped up. My goal to is finish a double weave scarf/shawl before the end of the year. All my holiday weaving is almost done so this should be a realistic goal. I will continue to post further progress in this group. No reason to end it because the Halloweave contest is over.
I am looking forward to hearing progress reports from others. Please share.