Hi all,

I wanted to share pictures of my little tapestry loom.   I wanted one that had actual haresses and a reed, but that was also foldable and therefore portable.   I couldn't find one, so I built it!

The wood is mahogony, except for the round beams, and was given to me by a friend.   I didn't have a source for the beams in mahogony, so I had to use pine.

The reed is held up with springs, but I detached them to let the reed down for this picture.   Normally, the reed sits directly under the frame that holds the harnesses.   I used string heddles to reduce the weight.   The weaving width is 24 inches, and it weighs about 25 pounds.




TheLoominary (not verified)

Hello SallyE!  What a trip it is to take an Idea all the way through to something so wonderful as your loom! It demonstrates great craftsmanship, as well as innovation. Thanks for sharing it with the group, and enjoy the fruits of your labor! Frank

SallyE (not verified)

Thanks for the kind words, Frank.   Now I just have to use it!


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