Caroline (not verified)

I've posted a couple of not very good photos, I have to take some more, but check out Kathkol, she has made a lovely blue one!

Cheers Caroline

Susan Harvey (not verified)

Hi Glizzer,

You might want to google Joanne Hall's name. She is a Glimakra dealer and has a studio called Elkhorn (?) She has written a guide book to all things countermarche. I have a copy and it's great. I think it would be a great help for you.

If you have difficulty finding her, I'll see if I can dig out the book and give you details.


Cheerio, Susan

naturalfibres (not verified)

i really like my counter-balance loom - it's quiet, makes a nice shed, and works great for all types of weaving.

The one drawback I found out about my loom, was that you can't weave any 3-thread patterns - like a 3-thread huck lace, and how did I realize this - it was after I had threaded my loom  and wondered why shaft 4 was right up at the top roller!  I did some thinking and went "It's a counterbalance loom!"  Without any threads on shaft 4 to balance what was threaded on shaft 3 - it wouldn't work, so I tied some metal rods onto shaft 4 and was able to weave.  But I've never done that again!

crosstownshuttler (not verified)

What a great group! Thanks, Laura, for starting it.

I've been weaving for about 25 years as time permitted and my favorite part of weaving is the endless learning. 

I have 2 floor looms in an alcove of my living room so everything must do double duty. I keep a shelf board between the breast beam and beater of each loom as cat-proofing and a place for the bobbin winder, current yarns, sewing machine, etc. My Artisat works very well as a desk and sewing table. Wound bobbins, scissors, tape measure, etc. are on a folding tray table that I put next to whichever loom I'm using. 

Oddly enough, I get more weaving done now in this well organized small space than I did when I had three times as much space.

Caroline (not verified)

You're not alone, lol! I have get a loom free to warp it up (I've just warped up for other projects) and then I have to work out which pattern I'm going to try and follow. I really fancy the one on Weavezine, but will probably do something a bit more straightforward first. I'm not very good at counting warp threads, so it will be good discipline for me to actually follow something without getting too creative, ;-)!

Caroline in Australia (barca1au on RH)

Orion (not verified)

 I'm going to look at a used Glimakra tomorrow and I'm SO excited. It's testimonials like yours that make it feel  right.

I wove on one at Vavstuga in Shelburne Falls, MA and it was love at first sight. 

If this is the "one", I might need to ask questions about putting it together.

But it sounds like I probably won't. Nothing better than great design  :-)


Orion (not verified)

 I'm going to look at a used Glimakra tomorrow and I'm SO excited. It's testimonials like yours that make it feel  right.

I wove on one at Vavstuga in Shelburne Falls, MA and it was love at first sight. 

If this is the "one", I might need to ask questions about putting it together.

But it sounds like I probably won't. Nothing better than great design  :-)


WeekendWeaver (not verified)


Anyone else out this way? 

diane horowitz (not verified)

Hello.......I am a new member of this group.  Please check out my

I am looking forward to sharing tapestry ideas and techiques with other tapestry weavers.



hlf (not verified)

Good heavens, what a list!  You are my hero!  :-)

I just started weaving in May, and have been having a great time making random rectangular objects.  After I've finished the rose path pattern on the Baby Wolf now, I'm going to start in to an Actual Project - a shawl with some lovely merino/yak yarn for the weft, and a straight wool for the warp.  It'll be lovely, I hope!