FybeRae (not verified)

Oh wow....  I think the writing screen finally opened!  LOL!!!  I have been trying off and on since last night... rebooted the machine... everything and it just would not load. 

So, anyway!!!  LOL!!!  I kinda stumbled into the forum for this group, I'm confused too since I didn't realize there were TWO places to leave messages for the group.  I left a message when I joined yesterday or the day before, but left it on the group page. 

So I guess I can talk a little more here now...   Back in the searly seventies I used to sell natural decor stuff at the street festivals and at that time I was doing a lot of art weaving.  I wove wire and rags, grasses and feathers, paper and bark... mostly wall hangings woven within the forks of tree branches but sometimes I'd do softer, fabric type pieces.   I'm excited to think that art weaving is perhaps enjoying a bit of a revival and I'm happy to find others experimenting! 

I'm a traditional feltmaker who decided to try her hand at spinning since I was buried in wool anyway.   I made myself a couple of hand spindles, decided i needed to learn wheel spinning....  now I had yarn so decided to learn how to knit and then crochet a bit...  then I was browsing the internet one day and discovered TRIANGLE LOOMS!!!!   Continuous weave!  I was hooked...  I found myself rekindling a love for weaving after all these years!   I still have a few small looms I've saved "forever"... small "toy" looms actually but I've recently pulled them out of storage and dusted them off to use in the near future for some art weaves...  just LITTLE projects...  I love quick little projects.  They suit my ADD attention span.  :-)    

Martha-Weaves (not verified)

 Hi, thought you might not be aware that there is Countermarch loom group already set up "Countermarch and Beyond" here on Weavolution- you should be able to get all the information you desire right there.  I too have a new to me countermarch loom, a Glimakra Standard.  Learned the tie up from Joanne Hall's book "Tying Up Your Countermarch Loom" - you can purchase it from her website www.glimakrausa.com 

or at several on line weaving stores.  Joanne is a wealth of information and has always been very helpful to all who come asking for help.

Happy weaving, enjoy your loom!

lisack (not verified)

Hi Diane,

So glad that you have joined us. We just have the goats and because it is more desirable to have a mohair/wool blend, we have been thinking about having sheep here as well.  We haven't done it because of feeling overwhelmed with just one breed, so I totally understand your decision to concentrate on doing one thing.  The newest Spin-Off magazine had a great article on CVM sheep.  There are also CVM Angora goats which are interesting because they consistently throw color when bred to white angoras. 

What kind of loom is coming to your house? How did you learn to weave? Did you rent or borrow a loom from someone?


Mary C. Stock (not verified)

Hi!!  I am a former 4-H leader and for years at fair time I warped 2 small 2-harness looms and we had them in the arts and crafts building for 4-Her's to weave a mug rug when they had some spare time. Over the years some of them made one or more a year and what started out 5 yards ended up to be 10 yards each day of the fair.  I hemstitched between them and taged them and they picked them up at the end of each day.

I have been doing something similar with the handicaped but we  have also aquired 2 floor looms and we are now weaving rugs and placemats and tote bags.

I would love to have some imput on things you can do with children and the handcaped.
















dlalomia (not verified)

The article in Spin Off about the fiber of love is written by my girlfriend, Chris Spitzer of Yellow Creek Cottage.  She has one of the largest flock of CVM sheep in the country.  My CVMs are going back to OH with her and she is bringing me my loom.  I'm getting a Leclerec Nilus II 60" loom.

I took a video today of the new Finn lambs.  One set of twins was just born this past weekend and the other twins the week before.  You can see the goats in the video too.  The sheep that is right up close and personal is Daisy, she's my Avatar here and on Ravelry.

augustdragon (not verified)

Hello to Everybody.

I've been playing with loom controlled shibori now for a while.  Have woven several pieces of fabric that became jackets and several scarves using the technique.  Am currently exploring the effects of woven shibori and vat dyeing, and woven shirbori and permanent pleating with polyester thread and pressure steaming.  I have also taken left over scraps from earlier projects, and hand gathered them for overydyeing.  This is such a fun technique to play with in all its forms.

Augustdragon (aka: Karen Currier)

Caroline (not verified)

Hi Kathkol!

A woman after my own heart! ! love your little silk purse! Its what I'm doing at the moment, and it even looks as if you have been borrowing from my bead stash, lol!

Just a thought - if you are not too sure of your crochet skills, why not use blanket stitch around the edges, then you can easily join the pieces without having to crochet. It will look good whether you use the same yarn you are weaving with or a contrast

Cheers, Caroline in Australia

Nancy D (not verified)

 I love WeaveZine. I'd like to see something about tapestry. I just bought a 16" Mirrix and thought I'd try tapestry on a small scale. I'm looking toward the day when I can't manage the floor loom.

augustdragon (not verified)

Hello from Beautiful Woodland Park

I should be weaving right now but could not resist exploring this wonderful new site and all the potential opportunities it presents.  So my beloved 60" 16 harness AVL sits  here next to me, sighing lonesomely.  I hope over the months to meet many new weavers in this group and do hope that some of my friends find their way here also.  Course I'll be pointing them in this direction.  Loom is naked right now, but I have a 14 yrd warp to paint and then put on, plus the yarns are pulled and ready to be put on the warping board for the project after that.  Ah....bliss.

Augustdragon (aka: Karen Currier)

Nancy D (not verified)

 I am awaiting the arrival of my 16" Mirrix loom. I have never tried tapestry before and am looking forward to learning how to do it this summer. I also have a 26" Baby Wolf 4 shaft.