Lara (not verified)

 My name is Baroness Khalja, OP.  I'm from An Tir.  Elfreda, the lady who started this group, is my weaving guru. ;)

I have several looms, an 45" 8 shaft Cyrefco, a 28" 4 shaft Allen Brothers folding loom, an 18" 4 shaft table loom, a tablet weaving loom and an inkle loom.

I have been weaving on a floor loom for a year or so, I think.  So far I have mostly woven woolen fabric for early period costuming, but I'm looking forward to venturing into linen and maybe some smaller, more complex and experimental pieces.

Cheekyredhead (not verified)

I'd love to see an article on useing 2 heddles on a riggid heddle loom.

Cheekyredhead (not verified)

I'd love to see an article on useing 2 heddles on a riggid heddle loom.

kathkol (not verified)

 My weavettes, inkle loom, homemade frame loom and I want to join!  Yeah!  A photo of the scarf I made for my daughter on my 4" weavette is on my projects page.  Right now I am weaving more 4" and 2" squares out of Noro Silk Garden to make a shawl for me.  I want to figure out a good crochet edge for it, but I am not much of a crocheter!  


Alison (not verified)

Hello!  I'm afraid I don't get any brownie points.  I live near Denver, though I'm seldom there.  I'm excited that Threshkin started this group and forum.  I hope lots of people visit!

I've been weaving of & on (mostly off) for ~30 years.  I've always loved the process - except for fringing.  I have two floor looms, and another on the way, a spinning wheel, two charkas, a few drop spindles, too many but never enough knitting needles, and fiber and yarn to last a lifetime.

I get my ideas all over the place, sometimes from just playing.

I also hope that we all can help make Weavolution the premier place for weavers to gather.

Alison (not verified)

Hello!  I'm afraid I don't get any brownie points.  I live near Denver, though I'm seldom there.  I'm excited that Threshkin started this group and forum.  I hope lots of people visit!

I've been weaving of & on (mostly off) for ~30 years.  I've always loved the process - except for fringing.  I have two floor looms, and another on the way, a spinning wheel, two charkas, a few drop spindles, too many but never enough knitting needles, and fiber and yarn to last a lifetime.

I get my ideas all over the place, sometimes from just playing.

I also hope that we all can help make Weavolution the premier place for weavers to gather.

dogmommy4 (not verified)

Okay, I'll admit that the only reason I created this group is to suck up any information about my new-to-me loom.  It COULD be a hand made loom or it COULD just be old.  It's made from Redwood and it's really beautiful when the sun hits it.  I need to re-do the tie-ups and add some heddles, but after that I can warp it ------- if only I knew how!! 

So, if you have any advice, can point me toward a good book to learn about this style of loom or just have something to share with me about getting started on a Counterbalance, PLEASE contact me or even better, join this group and post all about it!!! 

dteaj (not verified)

Hi Syne - love your podcast and online magazine.

I have an idea, but it's more of an idea for a podcast. There is a professor of textile science and development at FIT, John Beaulieu, who was on the If You're Just Joining Us with John Armstrong podcast. He was on back in March. Among the many things he discussed was the structure of jeans material - a more hardwearing yarn for the outside of the 2/1 twill and a softer, more comfortable yarn for the interior. I've never heard anyone in the handweaving community talking about that level of textile construction. I think a conversation between someone with that commercial, technical background with the handweaving community could be really fascinating. John Amstrong  also had an amazing conversation with Jhane Barnes about her use of fractals in production of textile patterns. Not quite as applicable to handweaving, but very interesting.

JoBandana (not verified)

I absolutely LOVE your site!! I seriously get on there about 4 or 5 times a day. I'm a college student (aka: poor) and I don't have a lot of money to spend on weaving books, magazine subscriptions etc. So Weavezine has been a BLESSING!! I'm so glad there's a podcast for weavers!! Thank you Syne!

I'm also glad for the blurb on Weavezine about this site! I don't have a community of weavers, no local guild or anything like that where I am. I'm pretty much on my own and it's wonderful to have a way of communicating with other weavers. Yay Weavezine! Yay Weavolution!

A very happy weaver,

JoAnna :)

FybeRae (not verified)

Oh wow....  I think the writing screen finally opened!  LOL!!!  I have been trying off and on since last night... rebooted the machine... everything and it just would not load. 

So, anyway!!!  LOL!!!  I kinda stumbled into the forum for this group, I'm confused too since I didn't realize there were TWO places to leave messages for the group.  I left a message when I joined yesterday or the day before, but left it on the group page. 

So I guess I can talk a little more here now...   Back in the searly seventies I used to sell natural decor stuff at the street festivals and at that time I was doing a lot of art weaving.  I wove wire and rags, grasses and feathers, paper and bark... mostly wall hangings woven within the forks of tree branches but sometimes I'd do softer, fabric type pieces.   I'm excited to think that art weaving is perhaps enjoying a bit of a revival and I'm happy to find others experimenting! 

I'm a traditional feltmaker who decided to try her hand at spinning since I was buried in wool anyway.   I made myself a couple of hand spindles, decided i needed to learn wheel spinning....  now I had yarn so decided to learn how to knit and then crochet a bit...  then I was browsing the internet one day and discovered TRIANGLE LOOMS!!!!   Continuous weave!  I was hooked...  I found myself rekindling a love for weaving after all these years!   I still have a few small looms I've saved "forever"... small "toy" looms actually but I've recently pulled them out of storage and dusted them off to use in the near future for some art weaves...  just LITTLE projects...  I love quick little projects.  They suit my ADD attention span.  :-)