dlalomia (not verified)

I live in NW Michigan and I raise Finn sheep on my farm, Bella Vita Farm & Fiber,  for the beautiful fiber that they produce.  I also have CVM sheep but I've decided to concentrate on just one breed, so the CVMs will be leaving June 20th to go back to OH with a large CVM flock at Yellow Creek Cottage.

I've been knitting since I was a kid, crocheting since I got married (MIL taught me), spinning for about 5 years and now I'm just learning to weave.  My new to me loom is due to arrive on June 20th.  I learned to sew while in high school and took tailoring classes at my mom's fabric store.  So I've been involved in textiles most of my life.   I'm surprised that it's taking me this long to learn to weave...but better late than never!


dlalomia (not verified)

Thank you!  You'll have to come up and visit my farm.  You are welcome anytime!

Caroline (not verified)

I've just received my copy of Liz Gipson's book from Amazon, along with the Barbara Mathieson book on small loom and free form weaving, but don't remember any 2-heddle projects - but theres lots of other stuff just begging to be tried!  There is a book for sale on Ebay on 3 heddle weaving. This recreates a lot of the 4 shaft twill weaves, but I haven't got around to getting a third heddle yet to try it out. I will probably end up using a pick-up stick and 2 heddles.

Otherwise find someone who has the second heddle kit for the Knitters Loom, as that comes with an instruction booklet, but its similar to the threading in the first Davenport book, pages 97- 99, Hands on Rigid Heddle Weaving. If you like flying, you might be able to use her basic diagram and descrition to experiment with!



lambspin (not verified)

 Lovely samples!  Now I am curious about this book, thanks for the mention and the links.

lambspin (not verified)

 Lovely samples!  Now I am curious about this book, thanks for the mention and the links.

Martha-Weaves (not verified)

 Would Love to see an article on how to weave an authentic tartan for use in constructing a hand made kilt.

FybeRae (not verified)

YAY!  thanks for starting this group... I was here the other night thinking about starting a group for people who like to weave "small" with a focus on little projects.  I came back last night and here you were!  

Hello to all the whimsy weavers! 

Martha-Weaves (not verified)

 Hi Everyone, I have a new to me Gilmakra Standard 4 shaft, 6 treadle countermarch - she is a 110 cm loom which I am told by Joanne Hall is a size that has been very poplar and is no longer made.  Who knew, all I know is that I dreamed of owning a Gilmakra loom for the entire 8 years I have been weaving and never in a million years thought I would own one.  Well, for once I was lucky -- the right loom, the right price and the right time presented itself.  This loom is now sitting in my weaving studio in a place of honor - she is currently warped with her second warp and is weaving like butter!  Love this loom - the tie up is a bit of a pain and yes, I have looked at the Woolhouse 20+ tie up system - it is a bit pricy so I will continue the traditional tie method for now.  I am feeling very blessed to have this loom and look forward to years of weaving pleasure.

Martha-Weaves (not verified)

 Hi Everyone, I have a new to me Gilmakra Standard 4 shaft, 6 treadle countermarch - she is a 110 cm loom which I am told by Joanne Hall is a size that has been very poplar and is no longer made.  Who knew, all I know is that I dreamed of owning a Gilmakra loom for the entire 8 years I have been weaving and never in a million years thought I would own one.  Well, for once I was lucky -- the right loom, the right price and the right time presented itself.  This loom is now sitting in my weaving studio in a place of honor - she is currently warped with her second warp and is weaving like butter!  Love this loom - the tie up is a bit of a pain and yes, I have looked at the Woolhouse 20+ tie up system - it is a bit pricy so I will continue the traditional tie method for now.  I am feeling very blessed to have this loom and look forward to years of weaving pleasure.

FybeRae (not verified)

I hope you'll post some photos real soon, I'd love to see the little silk bags!   Are you doing real fine weavings with the sari silk thread or are you using the recycled sari silk?  I need to order some of that some day soon...  I've only seen photos of it on line and it looks sooooo delicious... I love the colors and texture.    Either way, I'm really anxious to see what you are are doing with the little bags.