lisack (not verified)

Hi Sue,

When I have had wethers they are so sweet and good natured.  Are your boys colored or white angoras? Are they from registered stock? Where are you located? 



Janice Zindel (not verified)

Hi,  27 years ago I was able to weave for a few hours on a single unit drawloom and on a loom with an opphamta attachment.  I was hooked!  I bought a used single unit drawloom, brought it home, assembled it, and  wove for a short time.  Over years of moves, raising children, and homeschooling, the drawloom was put away.   It is now in my studio, and I am working on getting the loom up and running again.  Three years ago or so, I also bought a used 20 shaft oppphamta attachment which I'll be adding to my countermarche loom later this year.  I'm looking forward to meeting other weavers interested in drawloom weaving!





Threshkin (not verified)


I took the picture while climbing Mount Bierstadt.  I am not sure what peak it is though. 

I also spin and weave.  What are you working on now?


Threshkin (not verified)

Welcome to our little group.  What can we do you help you get back into weaving?  The Estes Park Woll market is an annual inspiration for me!

suzyhok (not verified)


I've been weaving ever since my baby was a year old and he's now 32! I recently retired from teaching middle school art in a suburb of Albany, NY.  My husband and I moved to Savannah, GA with our adorable little Portuguese Water Dog, Kizi (yes... an Obama dog... but we got her first!)  I sold everything before we moved (well, not EVERYTHING... I did keep a few of my favorite yarns).  So I had to start fresh in Savannah.  I found an 8 shaft Mighty Wolf and have been enjoying exploring more than 4.  So far I've tried several variations of a reverse twill.  My dream is to get a compu-dobby loom... we'll see... 


suzyhok (not verified)


I've been weaving ever since my baby was a year old and he's now 32! I recently retired from teaching middle school art in a suburb of Albany, NY.  My husband and I moved to Savannah, GA with our adorable little Portuguese Water Dog, Kizi (yes... an Obama dog... but we got her first!)  I sold everything before we moved (well, not EVERYTHING... I did keep a few of my favorite yarns).  So I had to start fresh in Savannah.  I found an 8 shaft Mighty Wolf and have been enjoying exploring more than 4.  So far I've tried several variations of a reverse twill.  My dream is to get a compu-dobby loom... we'll see... 


khwaln (not verified)

Hey RugWeaver--good on you for listing IEHG.  We're a great group, weaving in the Mountains, Valleys and the Desert.  We've just started a new study group on shadow weave and lace weaves and a lot more. Check out our and see what we're up to today.  khw

lisack (not verified)

Hi all,

I bought my AVL 16H loom in 1992.  I wove a lot at that time and since then life has gotten in the way.  I have recently been working my way through Bonnie Inoyue's book about multishaft design.  I got stuck on the network drafting chapter so then I bought Alice Schlein's I'm set for summer weaving which for me will start in 4 days when school is out!! 

I love to weave clothing weight cloth. I dye warps, wefts or do shibori to get color effects as well as weave effects.

I'd love to hear what other people are doing with their looms!!

Lisa in Frederick, MD

mejnoona (not verified)

Just plain Asa here....writing from the Barony of Osprey way down here in south Meridies.  I've been in-and-out of the SCA for a long time, and am beginning to be active again.  And I am always looking for ideas, inspiration, or a good swift kick in the butt to get me going.

I have done most of my weaving mundanely, but am interested in early period work as well.  I have 2 floor looms as well as an inkle and a card loom - and a sprang loom which I am just now learning how to use.

Hope this becomes an active site - can't wait!






tien (not verified)

Hi, I'm Tien, and I've been sober for...

Whoops!  Wrong forum. :)

I've been weaving for a little over two and a half years now, first  on a Baby Wolf, then on a Leclerc Diana, and finally on an AVL Workshop Dobby Loom, which will be my last loom unless I move to a bigger house!

I used to spin, but after doing my second ring shawl gave up on knitting and spinning both - I didn't feel it was a challenge anymore, and went off in search of other mountains to conquer.  I still have a Majacraft Suzie wheel, but mostly just use it for skeining these days.

I do a lot of sewing, mostly costumes for AIDS Lifecycle, a 7-day, 550-mile cycling fundraiser for the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the LA Gay & Lesbian Center.  We bike from San Francisco to Los Angeles over the course of a week.  I wear a different FABULOUS outfit every day, mostly wedding and evening-wear patterns that I cut off at the knee so I can bicycle in them!  Every one is designed and sewn by yours truly.  The coup de grace last year was a peacock-feather outfiit that had over 1000 peacock body and tail feathers sewn on!

And my current weaving my wedding dress!  Not content with making my own, I'm designing and weaving the fabrics as well.  (I've posted most of the drafts to Weavolution.)  Right now I'm warped up with 25 yards of 60/2 silk at 96 ends per inch, and weaving with 140/2 silk at 60 picks per inch.  I estimate it will take me two months at least to weave up the yardage.  After that it's time to think of weaving the fabric for the coat that goes over the dress...good thing we're not getting married until next June!  But I've designed both of the other fabrics already, and they're only going to be about 40 epi, so weaving it up should be a snap next to what I've got on the loom now.

That's it!  Weavolution has soaked up so much of my life this past year that weaving and sewing are about all I've done.  In most years I do a lot of (bi)cycling, too, training for AIDS Lifecycle.

Oh, and I make chocolates once a year.  A big production, but lots of fun, too.

I better shut up now and turn the floor over to someone else!  :-)