ziggyonthecouch (not verified)

Hello!  My loom is an Oxaback from Kinna, Sweden.  I bought it 20 years ago, and wove rag rugs and tablecloths on it.

Right now it is in the crawl space in pieces but I am hoping to set it up soon, and then I will have to re-learn how to tie it up!

I might need this group to help me because I remember that it seemed counter-intuitive.



Lodi_Weaver (not verified)

 I should record myself weaving so I can watch what I'm actually doing.  I just have a rhythm and a way of doin it and I guess I don't really pay attention.


This makes sense though.

Lodi_Weaver (not verified)

 I should record myself weaving so I can watch what I'm actually doing.  I just have a rhythm and a way of doin it and I guess I don't really pay attention.


This makes sense though.

JDStar (not verified)

I am working on frogging silk sweaters (from the thrift store) and plying 2 colors together to weave with later.  I don't have a specific project in mind so it's all up in the air right now.

JDStar (not verified)

I am working on frogging silk sweaters (from the thrift store) and plying 2 colors together to weave with later.  I don't have a specific project in mind so it's all up in the air right now.

Janice Zindel (not verified)

Welcome to the Double Harness Group! 

Please introduce yourself, and share your drawloom/double harness experience or interest with the group.  I'm hoping there will be a number of us, and we can have some interesting discussions, share information, sources, etc.  ~Jan


agilmour (not verified)

At this point, the forum for [Friends & Fans of Norman Kennedy](group) is on the tab marked "Forums" up at the top of the page (or click on the link). Posts that are created using the "Group Post" link can't be moved over to the forum so please everybody use the forum for their posts, rather than the "Group Post" link? They're probably going to make that disappear and have the forum appear on the group page, but it takes the tech wizards a little bit of time to make it happen. Many thanks to all for your patience while the bugs are worked out...

Ludmilla (not verified)

I have been weaving for about 3 years but I am quite adventurous and have done a lot of different types of weaving. However, I work 2 jobs and fit in weaving whenever I can. I have warped btf and sectionally and am always looking for ways to both speed up the process and eliminate errors. I am always learning and am hoping this group can keep me learning new things.


lisack (not verified)

Hi Kayt,


I agree that the skirting and washing is a big job.  I've sent many fleeces away to be made into roving and then dyed that. I also just sent some adult mohair and wool of unknown sheep in to be made into tapestry yarn that I can then weave.

When we shear I try to skirt and wash one fleece each weekend day and eventually it gets done before the next shearing 6 months later.  I wash in a washing machine without the agitation.  I can get really hot water and I can spin it down pretty dry.

I am wondering what people are doing to limit the vegie matter in the fleeces.  We can't cover the goats because the mohair will just felt under it.  Any ideas anyone?



lisack (not verified)

Hi Cinda,

Goats are such wonderful creatures.  They have personalities and they are a joy....most of the time.  Pygoras can have many kinds of fleece.  It can be cashmere like or angora like.  So know what you are buying.  We have found that Angora goats are pretty gentle, even though they can be 50 pounds.  One friend of mine who has pygoras has to chase them around because they challenge her fences. Our goats have never challenged or jumped a fence.  So when you are looking to buy, ask and observe the behavior to make sure that it matches with yours.  Having goats is so much fun...yes and work too, but there is a great pay-off of fiber for us.

