tien (not verified)

Hi Kerstin!

Linking out is perfectly OK....link away!

Tien, roving Webmistress :)

tien (not verified)

Hi Kerstin!

Linking out is perfectly OK....link away!

Tien, roving Webmistress :)

ellenspn (not verified)

I don't.  I show in obedience, agility and flyball though.  My avatar is of my current loom dog, Roo who is an australian shepherd.  The shelties don't like the loom...too noisy for them.

ellenspn (not verified)

I don't.  I show in obedience, agility and flyball though.  My avatar is of my current loom dog, Roo who is an australian shepherd.  The shelties don't like the loom...too noisy for them.

Britt-Marie (not verified)

Hi everyone! I too hope to learn a lot, and who knows, I might even be able to share(!). If any one have any good tips on anything from warping to weaving with silk I'd be interested to hear about it. Never worked with silk at all before and right now I'm waiting for some cones of 30/6 silk - the idea is to make some scarfs but we'll see. I have to finish my linen warp first and that one is a project that has taken forever and probably will take even a bit longer - everything that can go wrong has just about done it... Britt-Marie

MadScientistK (not verified)

Hi Elabeth! I'm up in NWA. One of these days I'll make it to a guild meeting or the thing at Petit Jean. 


suehelmken (not verified)

I've been using copper wire on the loom for a while now.  Lately I've tried shaping the cloth and attaching it to weathered wood I collect on hikes.  I plan to try more things as I collect them.  It would be great to talk with others doing things with non-standard materials.  I don't have much of the newest work on my site yet, but it's coming.

Sue Helmken 

[email protected]


RV-Weaver (not verified)

I've just ordered my first one - a 16" Kromski Harp.  It should arrive tomorrow.  I'm sure I'll have lots of questions!

We travel most of the year in our 40' motorhome, so I hope the 16" will be a perfect size for me.



dnquimby (not verified)

I might be using this group a lot more in the future - I have a new-to-me 12 s Glimakra (currently in pieces). It's very exciting but a bit daunting as it has more shafts than I have ever used not to mention the countermarche. My other looms are jacks and counterbalance, 4 and 8s. Looking forward to seeing what others are doing. Dianne

MadScientistK (not verified)

Hi, I'm Kara. I really consider myself more of a fiber artist than specifically a weaver since I've only finished one woven piece. I like to weave on found objects like potato chip cans, and I made a frame loom that can be used with string heddles or for continuous weaving. I'm working on a cotton scarf in plain weave on the frame loom, a little bag on a gelatin box, and a rigid heddle design from recycled materials. I'd like to start going to guild meetings but it always seems to conflict with something.

I also knit, crochet, spin, dye, do beadwork and wirework, and occasionally sew. My preschool-age daughter gets most of my time, though!