Woven_Spun (not verified)

Hi.  Kimberly from Lawton/Ft Sill chiming in.  I love to weave, spin, knit, and paint my own yarns.  Will be doing a huge run of cotton this week and I can't wait.  We've moved into a new house and I have my own loom room and inside dye area.  No more trying to do it on my carport in 110 degree heat.  Yippee.


I wish there were more weaver's closer to me as I don't get a chance to head north very often. 


Where's everyone else located.


(oh and I sure hope I did this post correctly)

Robweaves (not verified)

So excited that Weavolution is up and running!  I have a new tapestry on the loom, a new wall hanging on a floor loom in the loom studios at the Southwest School of Art and Craft, and a new rigid heddle loom.  I'm set!

SKSchulze (not verified)

 Hooray!  I'm already rejoicing in how good and beautiful and fassssst my weaving will become.  :-)

I'm almost six feet tall so lots of my questions are around staying comfortable (i.e. avoiding pain and cramps) while threading.  And since I'm about to start threading a new warp with 678 ends I'm highly motivated to continue to improve ergonomically.  

In general I've found that I'm more accurate if I'm more ergonomic, so it's like a double dose of goodness.



RHweaver (not verified)

Me too!

It was a bit of a hassle using Ravelry for weaving; I'm really looking forward to this since I do more weaving than knitting. :-)

 (Psst... did you know the RH Yahoo group is doing a weave-along?)

ilaine (not verified)

I've been a weaver forever, but know only a small handful of other weavers. I feel like I've been in a cave for twenty years and I'm blinking in the sunshine. Pleased to meet you!

janetdawson (not verified)

Just got my first rigid heddle loom last month (a 12" Ashford Knitter's Loom) and I love it!  Have only had time for one warp so far but I love how portable it is and how easy to warp so I'm sure I'll be using it a lot over the summer.

You can see how my first RH project went here: http://scarfaday.blogspot.com/2009/05/introducing-snrh.html

- Janet

Peg in South C… (not verified)

I just saw that there is a group  specifically devoted to CM looms.  You might be interested in posting your question there as well.

elabeth (not verified)

I noticed there wasn't an Arkansas group yet so I made one. Anyone else out there? 

Susanne (not verified)

Hallo to everybody!

My name is Susanne and I live in the northern part of Germany. Since 2005 I own my 8shaft Countermarch loom "Lilla" from Öxabäck, Sweden. I am looking forward to learn a lot in this group!


Susanne (not verified)

Hallo to everybody!

My name is Susanne and I live in the northern part of Germany. Since 2005 I own my 8shaft Countermarch loom "Lilla" from Öxabäck, Sweden. I am looking forward to learn a lot in this group!
