RuTemple (not verified)

Dawn, I hadn't even known there *was* an H-weaving yahoo list; but then I'm more recently back to weaving after a few decades' absence. I've kept the inkle going, and have a Gilmore X-frame 36" 4H loom parked out on long-term loan with a friend, a 40" Norwood 4H cherrywood loom just waiting to be strung up with some table linens, an older Glimåkra table loom with 4 levers, a Beka 20" rigid heddle frame loom that my mom sent along out of her stash, and that Ashford inkle that stays busy with useful items. I've also fallen in with Enabling spinners, and have not one but two loaner wheels and a regular Monday-evening session, a couple of drop spindles, the light top-whorl being my current fave (a person can get lace-weight on this thing!) Ranvaig, I'm looking forward to hearing more about your daughter's inkle belt (her first inkling?) I belonged to the SCA decades ago, and while life's too busy any more, have a great fondness for the Society, especially in terms of the arts & sciences it fosters. I've also worked RenFests and the Renaissance Faires; the folks who come together to put on a show that size make a splendid community. Some handwoven wares for Dickens Faire garb lurk in my hind-brain and thus in my future, I'm certain.

RuTemple (not verified)

Dawn, I hadn't even known there *was* an H-weaving yahoo list; but then I'm more recently back to weaving after a few decades' absence. I've kept the inkle going, and have a Gilmore X-frame 36" 4H loom parked out on long-term loan with a friend, a 40" Norwood 4H cherrywood loom just waiting to be strung up with some table linens, an older Glimåkra table loom with 4 levers, a Beka 20" rigid heddle frame loom that my mom sent along out of her stash, and that Ashford inkle that stays busy with useful items. I've also fallen in with Enabling spinners, and have not one but two loaner wheels and a regular Monday-evening session, a couple of drop spindles, the light top-whorl being my current fave (a person can get lace-weight on this thing!) Ranvaig, I'm looking forward to hearing more about your daughter's inkle belt (her first inkling?) I belonged to the SCA decades ago, and while life's too busy any more, have a great fondness for the Society, especially in terms of the arts & sciences it fosters. I've also worked RenFests and the Renaissance Faires; the folks who come together to put on a show that size make a splendid community. Some handwoven wares for Dickens Faire garb lurk in my hind-brain and thus in my future, I'm certain.

Threshkin (not verified)

Hi, I am Threshkin (brownie points if you know the reference) I live in Denver I first tried weaving about 40 years ago at a community arts and craft fair in the small town i lived in. A lady was demonstrating weaving and offered to let me try. About an hour later my parents pulled me away from the loom because it was time to go home. A few weeks later I received a pocket tissue cover made from the cloth I wove. Oh, the joys of living in a small town where everyone knows you! Flash forward 35 years. My kids are growing up and i am looking for a new hobby. I remember having so much fun weaving all those years ago and decide to try it again. I now own three floor looms, two spinning wheels and enough stash to fill a bedroom. Which is no where near enough of course! I mainly weave items intended for regular use. This includes towels, shawls, napkins, table runners, and rugs. I get most of my design ides from reading and looking at other weaver's work. I get my color pallet from the natural world all around us. My weaving related interests include Spinning, Dyeing, Photography, and Woodworking. I hope to be able to help make Weavolution the premier place for weavers to visit for ideas, inspiration, and solutions.

Threshkin (not verified)

Hi, I am Threshkin (brownie points if you know the reference) I live in Denver I first tried weaving about 40 years ago at a community arts and craft fair in the small town i lived in. A lady was demonstrating weaving and offered to let me try. About an hour later my parents pulled me away from the loom because it was time to go home. A few weeks later I received a pocket tissue cover made from the cloth I wove. Oh, the joys of living in a small town where everyone knows you! Flash forward 35 years. My kids are growing up and i am looking for a new hobby. I remember having so much fun weaving all those years ago and decide to try it again. I now own three floor looms, two spinning wheels and enough stash to fill a bedroom. Which is no where near enough of course! I mainly weave items intended for regular use. This includes towels, shawls, napkins, table runners, and rugs. I get most of my design ides from reading and looking at other weaver's work. I get my color pallet from the natural world all around us. My weaving related interests include Spinning, Dyeing, Photography, and Woodworking. I hope to be able to help make Weavolution the premier place for weavers to visit for ideas, inspiration, and solutions.

cmtigger (not verified)


Dawn, you've met me before.....

I tend to weave modern stuff at home, but I'm a docent at Sutter's Fort in Sacramento, where I'm often doing spinning and weaving related things.  (I haven't been lately, I had a bout with bursitius and it hurt to even climb over the bench to get to the loom, especially in 1840's clothing.)

I do have a historical project in my plans, some linsey woolsey yardage to make an apron with.  I have most of the wool spun, and I've dyed some linen with indigo.....

cmtigger (not verified)


Dawn, you've met me before.....

I tend to weave modern stuff at home, but I'm a docent at Sutter's Fort in Sacramento, where I'm often doing spinning and weaving related things.  (I haven't been lately, I had a bout with bursitius and it hurt to even climb over the bench to get to the loom, especially in 1840's clothing.)

I do have a historical project in my plans, some linsey woolsey yardage to make an apron with.  I have most of the wool spun, and I've dyed some linen with indigo.....

RuTemple (not verified)

I am so happy to see this group! I love the efficiency notes, comments, and little videos you have up on your website, and have contributed to the conversations in other online weaving fora including your own, Laura.

Last December I found an old Glimåkra table loom (the precursor to the Victoria, whose lovely Swedish name does Not transliterate well in English), and after doing some preliminary weaving on it, am re-doing the direct tie-ups to the levers on the castle to be more in accordance with the scanned bits of the how-to flyer that Joanne & Ed Hall were kind enough to send my way along with much-valued advice and encouragement.  Out of this bit of work, I expect to clear a better shed, even across all four shafts.


RuTemple (not verified)

Thanks for creating this group, Dawn!

Just to represent, I weave, spin, dye, make baskets, crochet, and Stuffe, in Redwood City, and belong (so far) to the Black Sheep Handweavers Guild in my close-by stomping grounds,  and to Spindles & Flyers over in the East Bay (where I think I met you in January, Dawn!).

A little farther afield, I also keep a membership with the MN Textile Center--after all, the Twin Cities saw my first 33 years, and I knew the Weavers Guild of MN through its homes at the Y, Como-Carter, Dania Hall, the Chit.&Eastman building, and I'm chuffed for the home that all those years of work, planning and saving have bought them.

Looking forward to meeting and chatting with lots of locals, here!


Martha-Weaves (not verified)

 Is there a way to efficiently tie up my new to me Countermarch loom?  I am new to this type of loom and I have to confess it is a real bear to tie up - not impossible to tie up - but it takes forever!  Any hints for faster and possibly more efficient ways of doing this?

Woven_Spun (not verified)

Hi.  Kimberly from Lawton/Ft Sill chiming in.  I love to weave, spin, knit, and paint my own yarns.  Will be doing a huge run of cotton this week and I can't wait.  We've moved into a new house and I have my own loom room and inside dye area.  No more trying to do it on my carport in 110 degree heat.  Yippee.


I wish there were more weaver's closer to me as I don't get a chance to head north very often. 


Where's everyone else located.


(oh and I sure hope I did this post correctly)