Lyn Nagel (not verified)

My cousin lives in Ludvika and is a weaver. Is this overshot or crackle? Would you send my the threading?

Laurie Mrvos (not verified)

Hi Sally -

This draft is fantastic.

What a great way to wow first-time weavers!

Love it!



Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

Very pretty scarf! Turned taquete is a great choice for a painted warp. Your treadling is unusual. I have woven several pieces with advancing or network drafted twill pattern treadlings but only with an initial of 4, while yours is mostly initial 3 (because it is a 4-end advancing twill instead of 5-end). The result has a softer outline than the usual pattern treadling, which has no special requirements and is generally drawn freehand- the same design could be woven with a pattern sequence like 3,3, 4, 4, 5, 5, or 3,3,3, 4,4,4, 5,5,5. You might try this with weaving software and compare results.

Do you have an 8-shaft AVL loom? If you have more than 8, do try using all of your shafts for each layer of warp sometime. This structure  is fun to design and fun to weave.

Bonnie Inouye

kate.foreman.suko (not verified)

The image of the blankets got lost when I looked for 40" Harrisville looms since they did not show up on the drop-down loom menu.  Now my Harrisville is listed but the image is lost. 

hilltopfibre (not verified)

I wouldn't do it in weaving software.  The threading and treadling for boundweave is the same no matter what figure you are weaving.  What you need is software that lets you chart graphs.  I use StitchSketch on my iPad for these sorts of things.  Even Excel will do it by colouring in the cells.

myhouse (not verified)

Hi Sally,

I am interested in the crammed denting for your towel and I cannot open the wif file to see your denting order.  Is it still possible for you to send this to me.  Thank you.

Adinkracom (not verified)

you pretty much havae to wait for someone to die to get this book. It is so rare.Frown

weaving2005 (not verified)

Hi Bill,

I like your design. It really looks great.


ranvaig (not verified)

Hello, I'm Sharon Palmer and one of the volunteers in defining and testing Weavolution. I'm also the owner or moderator for six Yahoo groups. In the SCA, I'm Ranvaig the Weaver. I own an handmade inkle loom, rigid heddle loom, and a handmade carpet weaving sample loom (which still has the sample from the class). For a couple of years I borrowed a Warp Weighted loom, and hope to build my own soon. I haven't been weaving as much for the last 12 years because I have arthritis and repetitive motions are bad for me, but working on Weavolution inspired me to dig out the inkle loom and start warping some silk for a belt for my daughter. She doesn't know it yet, but she is going to weave her own belt.

ranvaig (not verified)

Hello, I'm Sharon Palmer and one of the volunteers in defining and testing Weavolution. I'm also the owner or moderator for six Yahoo groups. In the SCA, I'm Ranvaig the Weaver. I own an handmade inkle loom, rigid heddle loom, and a handmade carpet weaving sample loom (which still has the sample from the class). For a couple of years I borrowed a Warp Weighted loom, and hope to build my own soon. I haven't been weaving as much for the last 12 years because I have arthritis and repetitive motions are bad for me, but working on Weavolution inspired me to dig out the inkle loom and start warping some silk for a belt for my daughter. She doesn't know it yet, but she is going to weave her own belt.