I signed up for three half-day seminars:

  • John Marshall's class on Wednesday on using metallic yarns made with real gold
  • the digital photography class on Thursday morning - how to photograph your textiles
  • the walk through the fashion show on Saturday morning (offered by the jurors)

Don't know if I got those classes, but considering I registered in the wee hours of the morning, I'm guessing I did!

Anyone else registered yet?




Early bird gets the class!  



sally orgren

Thanks for the heads-up. I just registered! There are certainly some enticing workshop offerings, for more than 4 and 8 shafts, and in non-traditional weaving.

In my day job, I have been a vendor at the Long Beach Convention Center, and remember it as very bright, airy, and open, especially in the exhibit hall. I think everyone will appreciate that aspect of this particular venue.


dancingfish (not verified)

I agonized over several choices that happen early in the week, including the John Marshall class you mentioned, Tien, and ikat, and machine knitting to dye for, etc.  The photography class was also on my consideration list.  Since I'm travelling from Oregon and wanted to keep the cost down (trying to go to both CNCH and Convergence next year), I settled for going the latter half of the week, so I signed up for another John Marshall class, collector's guide to japanese textiles, indigo dyeing, and silk spinning.  It seemed like all my top choices either happened at the same time, or were spread out on either end of the week.  But I know I'll have fun with the classes I chose, so I hope I get into them.


tien (not verified)

I agonized, too.  For me the must-see is the Fashion Show - I want to see what other people are doing and I expect I'll have an entry myself, so I really want to see it!

Next on my list was John Marshall's class...I love the fine threads that he sells and want to know how to use them.  it dovetails nicely with the Fashion Show.

The one I debated was the juror's walk through the Fashion Show.  I really want to understand what goes through a juror's mind - what they look for, what they consider quality work, etc. - but it's at the other end of the conference!  I finally decided to sign up anyway, and signed up for the digital photography class because it was there.

I've talked to my S.O. about it and we're just going to make it part of this year's vacation.  I have some friends in LA I'd like to visit, and having a day or two off in between classes will give us some time to tool around and see the sights.

I'm lucky this year - Convergence is close by enough that getting there won't be too expensive, and Complex Weavers Seminars is held near most of my family, so we can combine the trip with the yearly family visit.  Cuts down (a little) on expenses, though with CNCH happening too, 2012 is going to be one expensive year!

Restless Knitter (not verified)

I'm still agonizing over which workshops to take at Convergence.  I got the classes I wanted for CNCH so I'm good to go there.  I've been looking at Complex Weavers even though I'm not sure it's going to fit the wallet to attend all 3.  CNCH and Convergence are both close by so that helps. 

If I don't make actual choices for Convergence soon, the only thing I'll be attending is the vendor hall.

sally orgren

Actually, if you don't get into the workshop of your dreams, for a $10 day pass, you can see quite a bit at Convergence!

The juried exhibits will be accessible, and there are typically other related exhibits hosted around town. If you come for the day on Friday, there are special events, like an informal fashion show over the noon hour. Various groups have "welcome" meetings, like the Boston Guild, TWIST, and Complex Weavers. On Friday afternoon, ATA will be gathering, so if you want exposure to the tapestry gurus, that conference happens immediately following Convergence.

And yes, although you might hear from older weavers the vendor hall is not as spectacular as earlier decades of the conference, the vendor hall IS still pretty awesome. There are ongoing demos, special deals (usually a not-quite "midnight" madness shopping opportunity with coupons), and book signings. You never know who you might bump into along the aisles or in the exhibits. And sometimes, it's just a casual conversation with a fellow weaver about a piece in the exhibit area that provides a lasting memory of the conference for me.

I allocate a day to just wander the exhibit and the vendor hall at my own pace. That is some of the best part of Convergence for me. 


Disclaimer, I am not a vendor, nor an HGA rep or employee, just a weaver who likes to attend these gigs.

Cat Brysch

I will be a vendor again this Convergence 2012 and it's always such a blast to see everything and just be a part of it!  One thing that's so fine about the Vendor Hall is that you can sit to try a loom (or whatever piece of equipment) that you might be considering buying.  That's invaluable to be able to compare and chose what fits for you!  I've asked "older weavers" (WAIT!... I am one!) about how the Hall used to be, and I've been told it's different but just as good....as a more recent vendor, I don't know... I've only been going to Convergence since '04 as a helper for a vendor and I've on been a vendor the last 2 times.

dancingfish (not verified)

I got my confirmation a few days ago, and got all the classes that I'd signed up for (yay!).  Did everyone get what they wanted?  

sally orgren

(Although, I have to admit, there were about 5-6 different ones I would have been happy with.)

And it's not just the classes — I greatly enjoy meeting the weavers I am taking classes with!

tien (not verified)

I got all the ones I signed up for, too! (although not a huge surprise considering how early I registered!)  Looking forward to it.

Weaverchick007 (not verified)


Hope everyone got the classes they wanted, but if you haven't found a place to stay or don't want to pay hotel prices consider the following:

I am writing to see if there is anyone who is going to Convergence who might be interested in staying in a house with a couple of friendly fun loving 40-something weaver/spinner types.  My friend from Alaska and myself have rented a beach house that is approximately a mile away from the convention center. We will walk or drive to yoga class every morning, however the house is close enough to walk to the convention center.  Rent for a room and full access is $150/night plus a small cleaning fee divided by however many people are staying in the house.  We would like to find one or two more people to join us.  Please have anyone who may be interested contact me and I can answer any additional questions and provide photos of the home.

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone or any other guilds you think may be interested.


please contact me if your interested for more details weaverchick007

Group Audience