I am warping my Gallinger loom for the first time. My project, a scarf in Tabby weave, will be 14" wide. My yarn is 18 threads per inch. My Reed is a 12 dent. Therefore, I have slayed my reed with the sequence of 2 - 1 - 2 - 1 - etc. My question is, when I am weaving, will the 2 threads in a reed slot have to pass by each other with each change of the harnesses? I suppose this really works. . . I'm not sure I am using the right words to explain this. . . I have not threaded the heddles yet but will be threading 1- 2- 3- 4- etc. for Tabby weave.
I just want to know if the two threads in each reed slot can pass by each other, back and forth, as I change the harnesses and do the weaving. . . It would make more sense to my pea-brain if I could put one warp end in each dent, but that would space them too far apart.