I'm well into my little loom build. I have the castle with the upper and lower pulley blocks build and I'm starting on the warp end of the loom.
First, the basic stats. I had originally planned on building a large 16 shaft countermarche loom. Shortly into the project, I got an opprotunity to acquire an AVL compu-dobby. The bringing home of the AVL is a complicated situation and I don't have a time frame on that. I am able to use it where it lives, but that's 35 miles away, so not practical for serious production at this time.
So when the AVL came along, my 36" HD was no longer practical. It was too large to be a workshop loom, and only 4 harnesses. It's really too large for a sample loom and doesn't have enough harnessed anyway. So I got the idea to build/acquire a 16 shaft little table loom and sold the HD.
This leaves me .... *shudder* loom-less!
But not really loomless. The AVL will be coming home eventually. I have a rigid heddle and a little Structo, but neither is going to weave christmas gift towels. So the sample table loom plan got upgraded to a small folding floor loom. I've taken ideas from many different looms to create what I am sure will either be the coolest little loom ever, or a really sad waste of some good red oak.
The plan:
- 22" weaving width
- parallel countermarch
- folding, probably have a wheel/stroller/dolly system for it eventually
- live weight tensioning for both warp and cloth beams. Incorporating the sandpaper covered front beam and that will be my advance system
- sliding beater similar to the one on the new Louet Davids
- built in raddle on the castle.
I'm really trying to keep it simple and elegant in design, but have all the features I really want in a loom. I have a plan for the treadle tie ups that would allow the loom to fold with a warp on it, it should be a really smooth action and whisper quiet to operate.
The tools I have: Table saw, scroll saw, drill, drill press, router w/table, and a belt sander that is hard for me to get too because it's in the motorcycle shop part of the garage.
What I'm still trying to work out is how to keep the beams in place without them sliding around or sliding out.. I need some sort of collar or pin or some system. I've thought about everything from lynch pins to round disks to... it gets crazy. The beams need to be removeable. Every thinng I come up with is either very complicated, thus probably over engineered, or requires a level of skill, precision, or tools I don't possess. I'm sure there is a simple way to do this, I'm just not seeing it.
Any suggestions?