Another month has sped by and its already October. I have had fun watching and reading about everyone's progress over that past several weeks. I finally got my floor loom warped and am weaving on the rose path towels. How many of us are working on presents for the holidays? Will there be enough tie to get everything done? Weave on!



Well, Tina, truth be told , right now I'm finally taking a dog off the big tapestry loom which I haven't touched for two years! Moving forward, kudos to both of us!


feel better Cathie - I have been afraid to use this warp since it is 16/2 and I had not used something that fine on my loom before. But I discovered with the rose path towels that working with 16/2 was no big deal! In fact I am looking forward to using it more often - might need to get some more heddles though!


I pick up the rental loom in less than 2 hours! Will be weaving tonight.

Do you think it would be kosher to post a picture of the giant cob of yarn on my spindle as a Halloweave project? It is all I have been able to do so far this month. I've spun nearly 2 oz. of wool in the past 2 weeks.  :)


you should post your yarn - you could post it under witch's brew 2013 - I was thinking of posting what little I have spun this month there as well.


Ok, I will!  With a tape measure in the photo too, so you can see how big this thing is!


warp is beamed and I am getting ready to thread the heddles. 510 ends in a 1234 threading - theorectically it shouldn't take me too long! 


the month gone? Only one day left - With the puch of Halloweave I have managed to eave a bit every day this month and I picked up my spindle and have been trying to spin a few minutes every evening - now to keep this up into the months to come!


Good for you Tina for reaching your goal! I will be joining you in the daily practice of weaving as I resume my Tapestry Diary for November. Oct. was a wash out due to travel. Talk to you in November! Happy Halloween, almost!

sally orgren

Halloween is here. I have *some* empty looms (but not nearly enough!), some warp plans underway, and the guild sale next weekend. So I'll be working this weekend to process the stash of woven goods in preparation for the sale; sewing, pricing, labeling. 

Work travel wasn't too bad this month, but the major water leak really put a damper on my weaving activities. The weavatorium got put back together (finally) and the drywallers just left this morning. More clean up and at least one more trip to the dump this weekend is definitely on my agenda.

Then, ???


Still have not dressed my new loom ...a few things have croped up to stand in my way of dressing  ...I first tryed to string a way to long warp on my new Kromski (back of the loom) warp board and gave up because of the time it took... and my lack of experience in warping being not the least of the problems as now I will warp just one length for a scarf..I need way more practice warping before I try to do more then one scarf at a time...( It will come in doing one at a time for now.)  I hope to dress my loom sometime early this month. since I would like to have at least two scarfs done by Christmas.   Hang in there for photos of my first "dressed loom" soon ( I HOPE!)  God willing and the creek don't rise! :o) 

loomyladi (not verified)

I did get my towels partially warped.  I doubt that I will get them finished this eve, but I will make progress.  I'll be away for a few days, so they will be waiting for me when I return.  I'm excited to see how they turn out.  Happy November to all!

rosearbor (not verified)

Good luck!  My first weaving instructor emphasized doing lots of small projects at first, so that I was constantly warping the loom.  It really does help with getting over the learning curve fast, plus I started implementing new things i learned along the way.  It really helped me get comfortable with warping.  She was a big back to front proponent, but I taught myself front to back with smaller projects, and now can do either depending on the project.

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