Let us know what you are working on...


SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

Thanks Caroline - it was fun to weave!

Happy Weaving,


jeannine (not verified)

hi to all saori-weavers,

I couldn't stand it sitting around doing nothing no more. but I still can't sit at my loom properly after my operation so i took my frame loom and put a warp on it .I intend to make 4 mugrugs ;I use some leftover novelty yarn for weft .I will see how  it turns out in the end ;I am so glad I am weaving again.


SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

Great that you are able to find a way to weave.  Hope you have a speedy recovery.

Happy Weaving,


jeannine (not verified)

another project   that i made recently

I had planned to do a doubleweave on this small homemade 4shaftloom but
the sheds were not wide enough .since i didn't want to waste the warp I decided
to make a saori-weaving .I combined all possible treadlingcombinations I could
make with the four shafts.the result pleased me so much that i wanted to make
something I could wear and since it is winter it became a hat and scarf ;very
warm as part of the weft is handspunwool.

with kind regards

SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

Hey Jeannine - that looks great - love the colours and the different patterns in the weaving.

Happy Weaving,


SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

I've just posted another project called a "Cool Cross" scarf.  This 3-D scarf is woven on a Saori 2-harness loom and is a type of double weave that unfolds into a cross.  More pictures on my projects page and on my blog.

Happy Weaving,


jeannine (not verified)

this is real eye candy; i would like  to know more about  . i am off to project page and your blog.


jeannine (not verified)

an exercise to see if I understood the construction off this cool cross scarf from saorisaltspring

( www.weavolution.com/node/7740 )

I have added some cupperwire for strenght and as special effect. it is difficult to put on display in a way you can see all the sides. I think  free hanging in space would  be  the  best  way.

SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

That's great Jeannine!  I'm so glad that you tried it out.  It's great to see how different it can look woven with different materials.  Thanks for posting it!

Happy Weaving,


jeannine (not verified)

hi terri,I think the middle section is a bit too wide but as it is a sample  I don't mind . as for the colours that where just leftovers laying around.By using contrasting colour i was able to see what happened while weaving .

SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

Directions - The West - a new banner, the first in a series, based on the 4 directions.  This first one in black for the West from the teachings that I have received.  Many different cultures have different colours for the directions...


More on my project page and on my blog.

Happy Weaving,


SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

The Directions - South - the second in the series:

And on my blog - here and here.

Mary C (not verified)

This is what just came off of my loom... maybe I'm a Saori Weaver:)  This is where my loom has led me!

SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

Hi Mary,

Those are beautiful pieces - all related, but all different!

Happy Weaving,


PattyAnne (not verified)

I loved this! Were you afraid to cut it at first?

fantasticfelter (not verified)

thank you pattyanne for the praise of my ruana

i absolutely do not worry about cutting into rare weaving textiles or fabrics. i have been sewing since i was 10 or so.i look at it as sky diving. go for it and trust that it will turn out fantastic. or that it will be a safe landing but a fun fall! saori has taught me this. not to over think but trust, if something is not what i wanted, a rough landing i work with it till it is.i do not give up.

i have cut a pattern out of a sheet then cut out the fabric but only to confirm the fit, or size before i commit.

here is a photo album link to my saori dress that i wove last month. at some point i just had to surrender and let go.

i have saori looms now and am so very happy.






jeannine (not verified)

hi Terri,

your cherry blossom weaving looks so beautiful and that sunset is just amazing; it sure wilI  look good at that artcraft show.It makes me realise that I should do some weaving today if i want to have some projects finish for our local art show coming up next month.


SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

Thanks Jeannine - hope you get some photos of your work so that we can all see it!


SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

I just finished threading a Saori loom with a beautiful silk warp that Karen at Treenway Silks wound.  I haven't worked with silk before and it is so gorgeous.  I love the sheen of it and the colours are FAB!

This warp is going down to our market tomorrow on a Saori loom for people to try out weaving for the International Year of Natural Fibres.  Karen, myself and the Salt Spring Weavers Guild are partnering to do a display of many types of natural fibres  and let people try out some weaving.  We are hoping to raise some money for Keep the Fleece so that someone in need can get a couple of fleece bearing animals plus some training on how to care for them.

I'll try and get some photos to share.

Happy Weaving,


SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

Just had a 2-day weaving retreat here at the studio - it was so much fun!  We went over the Saori way of warping using a cross-holder and all kinds of shortcuts that I have learned.  We also did lots of weaving and laughing and sharing of ideas.  So inspiring - I learn so much each time a new person comes to weave!

Happy Weaving,



 I had a very creative freestyle session over the weekend, using the rainbow warp that I had on the loom, and exploring color and harmony. I posted a snippet on my blog to share with you.  I hope the pleasure shines through into the weaving, but I can assure you I found it a relaxing but engaging experience.

jeannine (not verified)

hi weaver,that sure looks good! seems unlearning begins to show its profits already .and making things after the weavingis another part of the joy.this  is the weaving I am working on now; showing before and after


 I love what you are doing with your multicolor warp. The colors are so alive now.


This is The Shape of My Shadow, fabric for a tote bag. The unlearning has begun.

Caroline (not verified)

This is inspirational stuff! I must stop reading and gossipping and start doing. Love those colours!

jeannine (not verified)

wow!this is really beautiful!

keep going on in this direction there is a lot to explore.

SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

This is absolutely beautiful!  I love the colours and the blending and the shapes!  What fun.

Happy Weaving,


SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

Hi Jeannine,

Yes, I love the transition from the stripes or solid colour to the clasped weft and new colours and shapes - the ways that it highlights the colours in the warps is great - looks like you had fun with the transition....

Happy Weaving,


Caroline (not verified)

That looks great!  I like the colour mixes on your long wall-hanging(?), the one on Flikr. That looks as if it was great fun to do and see what was forming as you were weaving.

SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

Thanks for the pics of your work.  I love the table runner - the blues and whites look great together and I like the open spaces too.    I like the design and texture of your bag! 

Happy Weaving,


fantasticfelter (not verified)

i love the saori concept, cannot afford a saori loom right now but i have been experimenting with the free form philosophy and so i have adapted and freed my self up. i love it. here is a ruana that i just finished . photos here. on a album. http://picasaweb.google.com/heartgallery/CarmelByTheSeaSummerSolsticeRuanaNewAlbum622091025AM# this is my first posting to welolution! jill

SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

Hi Jill,

Thanks for posting the link to the photos - and welcome to the group!    I really do love the ruana - and its great to see all the colours, textures and fibres that you used in your warp.

Happy Weaving,


saorifun (not verified)

I have been working on "Water" theme for next year's exhibition for a big park here in Twin Cities.

I am working on the second one. The title is "stream". The first one I created was "wave". Here is the blog about it.




amelia (not verified)

I need to get back to my looms ... next up is a 2-heddle project on the RH. I'm thinking of using a draft from handweaving.net. It will be the same pink/yellow yarns as the Shepherdess Check scarf I did earlier on the 4-shaft loom. But all of my looms, yarn, and notes have been buried under the contents of my bedroom, as we've been remodelling MBR/MBA for the last fortnight (oh boy does it feel longer than that!) and the weaving parlor got turned into a storage room.  Our furniture's back in the room, so hopefully the boxes of STUFF will go back this week and then I can get to my looms again. Whew!


saorifun (not verified)

Hi fantasticfelter!

I have just looked at the pictures on your album. I can see that you love the SAORI concept.

How you threaded, playing with colors... everything.

Yes, it is most important to have SAORI concept in your mind rather than having a SAORI loom.

Please keep experimenting and playful.

I am appreciate your very first posting to the weavolution!


Happy Weaving,



saorifun (not verified)

I hope you are back to your looms....amelia,

I feel like the same way since I was doing something completely different a whole last week. (I was helping Japanese tourists in town.)

Yesterday, I helped moving looms (not SAORI ones) at Weavers Guild of MN.  I have never used big looms, so wow they were heavy and big!

Please post your pictures when you have time!!

Happy Weaving




thumbelinaspins (not verified)

I'm so excited, I've been away in Malaysia not doing any fibery things and I have been missing it so much.  Now I am home, so why am I excited.  There was a large box which greeted me at the door at my 1:30am arrival.  I could not sleep, it was my Saori loom which arrived while I was away.  My son left it right by the door so I would see it when I got home.  Yeah,  I've got some setting up to do but I've promised myself I cannot touch it until I clean the house.  The housecleaning fairy seemed to have gone on holiday when I did, funny about that.  But I'm looking longingly at the box every time I pass it.  Hurry up cleaning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

Wow - that's a great thing to arrive home to!  Have fun and post some pics when you can.

Happy Weaving,



 Rainbow's End, the third and final piece from my rainbow warp, is off the loom. At the moment it is a table runner, but I may hang it on the wall when I'm not using it on the table.

You cannot plan cloth like this. You simply have to weave it.

Amber cat is fascinated by all textiles, and she curled up to take a nap on one end of the runner while I was hemming the other end. I love the interplay between the smooth cotton and the handspun wool inlays. I also love the contrast of pale wood, bright color and tawny fur.

suzyhok (not verified)

 How beautiful!  No wonder your kitty loves it!

Caroline (not verified)

But you know you only weave to make Amber cat happy, lol!

SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

Wow - that is soooo beautiful.  I love the colours, the textures ... and the cat!!

Happy Weaving,


Little Meadows (not verified)

Yes it is lovely, to me like a  watercolour.  Is that your own colourway or dyed roving you bought and spun up?  Since I do my own dyeing it's  always nice to see such inspiriation.  I can't tell from the small photo,  were you using singles or plied?  Liese

thumbelinaspins (not verified)

Hi Liese, the handspun was a single of dyed roving I received as a club fibre.  I like dying my own fibers as well but I've been sick most of the year and have been buying other dyed rovings for a change.  I should have made the photo bigger but I was just happy to manage to get the link up.  I'll have to work on my photo uploading skills next.

SaoriSaltSpring (not verified)

I finished my one-piece yellow bag - "Saori Sunrise".  You can see details on my blog here.  I loved working with all of the shades of yellows and golds, with a few others thrown in.

Happy Weaving,


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