
I'm looking for folks in London(-ish) who'd like to get together . . .say once a month for a bit of lunch and to swap ideas - regardless of loom type or skill level.

If we get three or five people I'd be willing to take it to the next step and organise date & place.

Anyone interested?


Katilinum (not verified)

Hi Thumper,

I live in North Kent and I just wanted to let you know there ARE other weavers out there!  I'm concentrating on getting to my local Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers meeting in Ashford each month, so I'm sorry, I'm not up for another monthly get-together right now, but be encouraged, you are definitely not alone! 

Would I be teaching Granny to suck eggs if I recommend that you find out about your local Guild and go along?  My experience of the Guilds has been extremely positive, finding friendly, encouraging and above all, very knowledgable people.  There's  www.wsd.org.uk, which is the National Association's website, where you should find details of your local Guild, and there's the on-line Guild, www.onlineguildwsd.org.uk.

Happy weaving,


weaversouth (not verified)

the London Guild meets once a month...I think it's the second Saturdays.  I have always wanted to attend when I am in London for the Proms, but that Saturday is the same as "Last Night" so I am pretty much "in residence' on the RAH plaza for the entire day.

Nancy C.

yarninmypocket (not verified)

I'm not in London, but it's possible that if it were in a location easily accessible from the North (Cambridge!), that I and/or a few others might be up for it.  No guarantees - I am famously difficult to pry out of my house once I'm in it - but I'd love to meet a few more weavers.


Erica J

I can attest to the fact that Alison is hard to pry out of the house some days! I'm also fairly busy on weekends and things, but if we can find a date and location that works for us all I'll love to meet up and talk weaving face to face! :)


homergirl1 (not verified)

Hi there UK weavers,

I am hoping that you will be able to help me.  I will be visiting the UK to study at Harlaxton College near Grantham in early July.  I would like to stay a few extra days to explore the countryside since I have never been in the UK before.  Are there any textile related spots that I should check out?

I am very excited about this travel opportunity.  Hope to hear from some of you soon.

Happy weaving....


SW Indiana, USA

Thumper70 (not verified)

How did I not see your message? And its from months ago! I'm so very sorry. Ugh!

It's nice to know I'm not totally in terra incognita (grin). I'm a bit more northerly than you (beckenham). I've only just discovered (as in this week) the details of the london guild. wondering if I'm too much of an amateur for them - but still thinking to give it a go.

Thanks again for your note, and über-apologies for not responding sooner.


Thumper70 (not verified)

Again, apologies to you too - how I've missed these replies I don't know. I think its because I posted the message - watched for a few weeks, nothing, and gave up (grin).

Anyway - I've only just started digging around the details of the london guild - so might give that a go - thanks.

Thumper70 (not verified)

I'm always up for visiting and a bit of inspiration - keep in mind I am very much an amateur - and I do weaving purely for fun. But trundling around an exhibit, or similar with a camera and a sketch pad for ideas and tips - always game for that, oh and lunch too (grin). And its just nice to meet people face to face.

and as with everyone else - apologies for taking so bloody long to respond - how did I miss this . . . .sigh.

I'm now officially going to blame it on my thesis. Doing a PhD is enough to drive any sane and otherwise organised person to distraction!


Thumper70 (not verified)

Hi Erica,

if its not too late (see earlier groveling) and if we planned say two or three weeks in advance, maybe we could get three or four folks together for a meal and an idea swap - or some similar. I'm game too.

jmoster80 (not verified)

Hi Thumper, I live in North London and would love to get together with like-minded weavers. I know you brought this up some time ago, but if it is going or you want to try again, I would love to hear from you! Jane

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