

Sensational Lydia. I love the discontinuous weft with the Honeycomb plus the novelty yarns, so much texture! The colors are scrumptious ! This one is going to be a beauty!

miryam-chavah (not verified)

ooh gorgeous gorgeous! love the colors :)

sally orgren

Spectacular project! Please post progress. I love this idea, it looks like a winner. It has the potential to be entered into some shows I think!

kendrick43 (not verified)

Thank you all so much.  I'm still plugging away at this project.  About one-third remaining to weave.

DebD (not verified)

what a beautiful piece.  I love that technique. 


Lydia, Boy did this turn out well ! Your unique artistry comes shining though, it's fabulous ! I love the Honeycomb structure, great idea. I just love this. Cathie


Honeycomb and all those luscious blues is a brilliant way to capture the ocean!  So interesting!  I love it.

Draft Used
Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

Cannot even remember when I started this project, but sometime in 2012.  Have made more progress in the last 4-5 days than I have in all this time.  The loom was in the bedroom, and frankly, it's just no fun to weave in that room.  At a friend's suggestion, I moved the loom into the main home studio room and am now weaving on it steadily.  It's a slow weave, but I think I will finish it in the next few weeks.

May 26, 2014 -- The Wave is finished, the weaving portion of it anyway.  :-)  Am going to embellish with some tiny little natural pearls and seashells, mostly on the fringe, I believe.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit