
Rita Weaverbird

What a fascinating piece, and I love the way you describe how it came to be, it seemed like you were doodling with your materials! Whatever you were watchung obviously left your creative right brain free to keep working. Lovely! Its hard to get a sense of scale, how big is this finished piece?

SallyE (not verified)

It's so funny to call it a woven doodle!   I love that and with your permission will refer to it that way!

It's about 18" tall and about 12 or 13 inches wide.    The two tubes intersect totally.   Partly, I was trying to see if I could weave a sort of T shaped shirt.  I could double weave the body, then add some warp on each side and make double weave sleeves, and end up with a cowl type deckline.   Of course for that I won't switch between warp and weft! 


Finished Length Unit
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Length on Loom Unit

The full name of this piece is "I don't know whether I'm coming or going. . . .weft becomes warp becomes weft becomes warp."

This is just a little funky weaving I've been playing around with, while I watch TV in the evening

The general shape consists of two intersecting double weave tubes.   I started with copper wire wefts and wove the first vertical tube, but left the warp pieces free on each side.   I then used these dangling weft pieces to create more warp on each side and wove the horizontal open tubes, using the weft wires as warp threads.   After awhile, I used the wire again as weft threads and again left them hanging on the sides.   Finally, I wove the copper wires free hand into the shape that's on the very front.

The black is a 90% wool / 10% nylon yarn.   I did this on a Leclerc Dorothy table loom.


Number of Shafts
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