
sally orgren

Definitley being too nit-picky!

So you mark the holes with these threads to... ??? Tell you what color is advancing or receding? Or to identify turning groups?

rosearbor (not verified)

Thanks Sally!  The marked cards identify the turning packs.  The orange cards always turn one direction, the light blue go the opposite direction. The unmarked cards move between the two, going F/B.  These are the plasticized Lacis cards, and they dont take marks well.  The threads are pretty easy to see.

latinlatitudes (not verified)

This is really lovely, including the colors. What type of thread/yarn did you use?

rosearbor (not verified)

Thanks latinlatitudes.  Hmm, I so very carefully entered all the yarn data, and then it didn’t show up!


I used Sulky 12 wt cotton sewing thread.  It's used for machine embroidery and is lovely to weave with.

42 threads orange sunrise 713-1238

42 threads dark burgundy 713-1035

40 threads light avocado 713-1209

52 threads classic green  713-1232




A graceful , elegant design. This is inspirational to me as I will be starting to learn card / tablet weaving soon. I can tell this is quite advanced, you create beautifully!

msvos (not verified)

Gorgeous work, and I love the color combination.

Mystic Handworks

I think this is beautiful.  I am using the Lacis cards right now too.  So far I find them a little more gentle on the threads.  I marked an A - B line on mine and marked the outer edge too.  I used a sharpe marker, and found (the hard way) than you can mark only one at a time and set it down for a moment to completely dry, before restacking them into a deck.  So far so good.  I must try the sulky sewing thread.  This is a truely beautiful band.  I assume you're using one thread per hole.

rosearbor (not verified)

Thank you all for the nice comments.

Mystic Handworks, Yes, there is one thread per hole with the Sulky.  I am absolutely loving the bands I make with this thread.  I have plans to weave a longer piece for a black jacket (store bought) and just use it as a trim on the jacket.  The Sulky is so strong- I tried to break a thread with my hands and ended up cutting my finger.  Not easily broken at all.

Mystic Handworks

Good to know RoseArbor.  I had not thought of using this product.  It would be nice to not have to mail order every inch of fiber for tablet weaving, especially to finish a project that you've already spent money on.  Also great to know that 44 cards threaded with this product will produce a 1 inch band, so you can plan accordingly.

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit


I am both pleased and disappointed with this set of bookmarks.  

Pleased:  I wanted to challenge myself to do my own design.  I wanted the kivrim patterns to be nestled together, and I wanted the “fish hooks” to face each other.  I achieved that, which means I feel pretty confident in playing around with this design now. I wanted to try highlighting the pattern and I understand how that works now, too.  I also wanted to try the “Staudigel edge” – I like this a lot.

Disappointed:  My original plans were to do this in teal, rust and gold, but the thread I was using was far too fragile.  In the cotton colors, I ended up going with a somewhat pleasing combination, although it came out feeling pretty Christmas-y.  Which is fine, since I intend these to be in my Christmas cards!  However, the values are too close, and I didn’t get the strong look I orignally was going for.  I read that you should stick with simple colors and not to get too fancy with color changes.  Certainly at this fine weight, that is very true, especially when the values are close.  The gold highlighting on the patterns is washed out because it is too close in value to the light green.  You have to be at macro level to see it clearly.  The “Staudigel edge” also has dark values too similar, although it is beautiful. 

That being said, when you stand back and look at it- it is really gorgeous, so I think I'm being too picky.

I mark my unique cards with a small tied piece of thread- this time i put a drop of fray check on the knots- this seems to be working very well to keep the knots holding with all the turns.

11/10/2013 Cut these off the loom a few days ago.  Got 6 card sized bookmarks plus a small sample for myself.  The cards marked with sewing thread knots held up throughout the weaving, so adding a drop of fray check is definitely the answer for that.  On to the next design!


Number of Shafts
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit