

Fairhavenweaver, Wow what wonderful color! I like it! I bet it feels wonderful with the cashmere too!

fairhavenweaver (not verified)

Thanks, Cathie. The colors from Just Our Yarn are simply fabulous. And that cashmere - well, what can I say? Virginia

SallyE (not verified)

I love the colors, and the pattern.


DebD (not verified)


I also love Just Our Yarn and when  you said you got it at the MDSWF, I knew that was were you must have gotten it from.  They do beautiful work with color.   I also love the pattern you used and was very surprised to see it was 4 shaft too.  Where did you find it?


fairhavenweaver (not verified)

The pattern is called Hooks and Eyes. It is from the wonderful book:

Weaving Designs by Bertha Gray Hayes, Miniature Overshot Patterns, by Norma Smayda, Gretchen White, Jody Brown, & Katharine Schelleng, Schiffer, 2009. There are so many exciting patterns in this book, many of them asymmetrical. Just Our Yarn usually sells the book in their booth - we got an autographed copy for our guild library. Highly recommended!


DebD (not verified)

Thanks Virginia!  I just saw that JOY is no longer doing internet sales.  I'm so sad and I can't make the MD Sheep and Wool F. this coming year either. 

Thanks for the book tip.  I love overshot and may just have to splurge and get this one. 

fairhavenweaver (not verified)

Just so you know, Amazon carries the book.

msvos (not verified)

I've been afraid to try overshot, but now want to give it a try - especially the miniature overshot.  Just beautiful - fantastic colors!

AnnaR (not verified)

Your scarf is really nice. It's amazing to see how different and wonderful a pattern can be using new colour combinations! I'm lucky I have the Bertha Gray Hayes' book, I'll look for the pattern. If it could be useful to anyone I bought the book from Anna
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At the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival in May, 2012, I purchased one skein of 10/2 tencel dyed in fabulous shades of orange, one skein of 30/2 tencel in variegated purple, red, and one skein of luscious cashmere in variegated dark purple/blue/red. I used the 10/2 tencel as warp and squeezed two scarves out of it. This is the first one, an overshot pattern called Hooks and Eyes from Bertha Gray Hayes. The 30/2  tencel is the tabby weft and the cashmere is the pattern weft.

Sett is 24 epi, 8 inches wide 192 ends.

I wish you could see the shimmer and the changes of color in all the yarns. Plus, the cashmere feels just wonderful!


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