
dweaver (not verified)

Wow! That really turned out nice. I really like your interpretation of the traditional piece.

sally orgren

Did you add the beads afterward, or were they strung on your weft?

emhoog (not verified)

Thank you both for your nice comments. I strung all the beads on the linen thread first . The beads I was not going to use I moved further along the thread. Els

Margriet Carrico (not verified)

Beautiful and the vest looks great under the jacket what a wonderful combination. Fantastic job.

Margriet Carrico (not verified)

Beautiful and the vest looks great under the jacket what a wonderful combination. Fantastic job.

Finished Length Unit
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Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

The weavers of our guild decided to use our Dutch traditional/regional costumes as an inspiration of our yearly project. I have chosen a “beukje”, a simple garment for ladies, like a bib which you wear as a top underneath your blouse or jacket. This garment can also express whether it’s a working day, a Sunday or whether you’re grieving.

The garment on Photo 2 shows a traditional, decorated beukje for special festive occasions. With that in mind I started my project, yet it also had to be wearable without a blouse or jacket.

On Page 49 of Susan Wilson’s book “Weave Classic Crackle & More” I found a suitable weave structure. For the warp I used a thin Venne cotton, see Photo 3, the threading. In the weft I used three colours of linen and occasionally a shiny variegated sewing thread as well as a linen top stitch thread with beads now and then. To enclose the cells I used a black alcantara ribbon. (see Photo 1 for a close-up).

Anna ( helped me to find a suitable pattern and additional fabric to turn it all into a wearable garment (see photo 5). Photo 6 shows how I’ll be wearing it soon for a special occasion.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
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Width on Loom Unit