
coastalgal (not verified)

Gorgeous. The colors are so vibrant and alive. They will be great fun to use.....I can see a table setting with Fiesta Ware...too fun.

elaine in OR


Beautiful job. The time you spent with the wrappings really paid off! Thanks for the write up too.

fairhavenweaver (not verified)

Actually, Elaine, I thought about Fiesta Ware while I was weaving! Fortunately my dishes are white so I don't need to buy a new set! The next task is to weave some napkins - maybe in natural warp and a different color weft for each one, maybe some inkle band ties . . . Oh, such fun! Virginia

caloosa (not verified)

That is my favorite pattern from the book.  They look lovely.

RepWeaver (not verified)

Love your color choices. These will liven up every meal. Well done.


fairhavenweaver (not verified)

Thank you both!



Thank you for your notes, though some of it is over my head. You did a beautiful job!

fairhavenweaver (not verified)

Thanks, Karen!

sally orgren

No photo can do these justice. The colors really ARE spectacular in person.


fairhavenweaver (not verified)

Thanks, Sally! Now I'm on to napkins for them. I'm thinking 20/2 natural cotton warp and a different color weft for each one and then little tiny I kale ties for each napkin. Virginia

msvos (not verified)

These pieces sparkle - Such happy colors. I was inspired by how much thought and care you put into planning this project. Thank you for sharing!Laurie

Alison (not verified)

Really nice use of color and blocks.  I'm getting ready to take my first rep class, so this is particularly inspiring.  How are the napkins coming along?

fairhavenweaver (not verified)

Thanks for the lovely comments! The napkins are all planned. They will be simple - just plain weave so as not to detract from the placemats. I just re-read my post about them - auto correct is so wonderful, isn't it? The ties I'm going to make are inkle bands! I want them to mimic the placemats. I love to use inkle ties for napkins - it's amazing how people love to play with them!

AnnaR (not verified)

Wonderful colors! Wish I had more shafts to try this ! Love it! Bravo!

AnnaR (not verified)

Wonderful colors! Wish I had more shafts to try this ! Love it! Bravo!

fairhavenweaver (not verified)

Thank you, AnnaR! I use the placemats all the time. Although I used 10 shafts, you can achieve quite similar results with fewer shafts as long as you have an abundance of colors. Happy weaving! Virginia
Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit


These are placemats and a runner in warp rep based on the Waterdance pattern in Kelly Marshall's stunning book: Custom Woven Interiors. It took a very long time to gather and choose the 5/2 cotton (plus some 10/2 that I could double) to use in the warp. The threading consists of 26 6-thread blocks on 10 shafts, with each block composed of two colors. Using Kelli's colors as a guide and my experience doing these wraps in a wonderful rep class at Vavstuga in October, I started making wraps, one for the first color in the block and another for the second color in the block. It was quite a while before I finally was satisfied with the wrapping and could proceed with winding the warp. The sett is 48 epi, with 2 ends per heddle and 4 per dent in a 12-dent reed. The thin weft is 10/2 cotton in "hemp" from Silk City, the thick weft is a tripled strand of 3/2 cotton in color 7503 (natural) from Webs. The placemats would have hems 1 1/4" at each end with 19" of weaving in between. For the first placemat, I followed Kelly's treadling. However, I soon realized that there are actually 32 possible treadles using combinations of the pairs of shafts. I set up all 32 treadles in PCW and then decided to randomly weave 31 6-pick blocks. I used a random number generator to determine the first (thick) pick for each block. Every placemat is different! After weaving six placemats, I wove a table runner with 2 1/4" hems and 48" woven in between. At that point it didn't seem like I had enough of the 3/2 cotton weft for another runner, so I bought some Sugar n Cream in black. Needed only two strands of this for the thick weft, used black 10/2 cotton for the thin. After this runner was finished, there was enough warp left for two placemats with the black weft.

So I got a total of 8 placemats and 2 runners. I hemmed them by machine, washed on gentle cycle, dried on low, pressed, then sewed up the little open ends by hand. 

Thanks to Kelly Marshall and Becky Ashenden for giving me the skills and inspiration to complete this project.


Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit