
caloosa (not verified)

Love the fabric - guess I like bright.  Love that you are exploring sett in simple weaves will have to start reading Mary Black.


randomness of the stripes and the brightness - what a cheery cloth for a dreary day!


about the selvedges as I just picked up a little inkle loom and I had a steep learning curve as to pulling the picks on that. I had 20 threads of 3/2 perle across and the strap was about an inch but all wonky. Then by accident I starting pulling it tighter (frustrated probably) and it wound up being 1/2 wide total but very nice fabric that is warp face. So I am going to say your lesson validates mine. I can hear my weaving teacher in my head the whole time talking about not tugging...haha. The fabris you made is super happy and would make a mad durable tote bag for something fun.

Jen Brown (not verified)

Thanks for the nice comments everyone and the validation that a nice selvedge on a warp faced fabric may require some tugging.  I definately found that to be the case here.  Before I started doing that the edge looked awful (as the picture shows).

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

I'm working through Mary Black's a New Key to Weaving and warp-faced weave was one of the topics in the chapter on plain weave.  I had some cones of 3/2 perle cotton that must be 15 years old and thought I would use that up.  The colors certainly haven't faded with age.  This piece of cloth will make your eyes vibrate.  Way too bright for my tastes. 

At first I tried to be disciplined and work out the best arrangement of colors and strips.  But since I wanted to use up all these little cones of color, I just gave up and wound stripes in random sections of 1/4 to 1/2 inch. 

During weaving I found that I really had to pull in on the selvedges or they came out extremely loose.   Maybe that is required with a warp-faced weave.  Just the opposite of weft-faced where you need to be careful not the pull the weft in too tightly and have the warp draw in too much.

Not sure what I'm going to do with this cloth.  It is fairly thick and stiff.  I was thinking of maybe using it to make a small lunch bag.

Things learned on this project:

1.  It pays to be disciplined and take the time to harmonize and arrange the colors in a striped warp.

2.  One or two very bright colors in a warp are probably enough.

3.  When warp-faced weaving tightly pull up the weft against the selvedge to avoid sloppy edges.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit