

I am in love with these colors - the yarn looks yummy to use

prairiegirl (not verified)

Endorph: it's got an incredible hand while still in the skein, I can't wait to see how it works up! And that merino is STRONG: one little thread somehow got wrapped around a heddle bar while beaming on, and while I didn't get too far before I figured out what was up, it still didn't break! I'm tying onto the front beam now.

lkautio (not verified)

5" is not a lot to unweave at this ppi. I'd bite the bullet and unweave, correct the sett to one you like better and go. The warp[ and weft are beautiful together - it would be a shame to disrupt the delicacy with stripes.

Laurie Autio

prairiegirl (not verified)

Well, we are past 5" at this point.... but I think I am still going to unweave and start over. We shall see what happens....

prairiegirl (not verified)

... which I just realized will involve re-threading? Eek.



If you want 12 epi and don't have a 12 reed, you can use a 8 reed (if you have one) and then sley 1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2, that will be 12 epi. 


I almost forget to compliment the beautiful colors, don't do the stripes.

prairiegirl (not verified)

I've been a little amused to see the universal opposition to the proposed stripes. Ok, fine! How about this: just three 1" stripes on either end of the shawl, with the rest in the blue. I really did find a lovely spring green to go with it...


like the stripes - I think small green stripes on the edge would be nice


small green stripes at the end. You always can reweave :)

prairiegirl (not verified)

Oh, I'm not doing ANY MORE reweaving on this! It's sink or swim at this point. Thanks for the input! I can't wait to get started.


the colors!  I thought I was not a blue person, but, there are so many shades and so much to do with blue!  I love the reweaving pic.  This will be absolutely gorgeous!  


Nice job!  It was all worth the effort.


The stripes are fine, sometimes you have to try it, before you can see how it works.

prairiegirl (not verified)

I left the blue dominant: if I recall the blue stripes were 4.25", and the green were 2.25". I'm very pleased with the result, except that it has a bit of a tendency to snag: but I guess that's just what happens with really delicate yarns.


Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit
UPDATE 01.14.2013... All done! I apologize to everyone who voted "no stripes"... once I had a test section and was able to calculate more exactly my weft requirements, I realized that there was simply no way around it. I think it came out very nice anyways, and it is SO SOFT! I haven't taken it off for two days now. My thanks to everybody who offered tips, advice and encouragement!

UPDATE 01.08.13.... I finished resleying! I am determined to finish threading and at least weave a LITTLE bit tonight! I think I will be very happy with the 15 epi, I can already tell that the warp colors will seem a little richer in the finished product. It was a real challenge condensing it and keeping the threads in order so that there was still some continuity to the color changes, especially since I wasn't just condensing the existing warp, but was actually adding more yarn to it. I wound up pulling out sections at random and resleying them en masse, so the two skeins I used are combined in a sort of random stripe. I don't think it will be visible in the finished shawl but the two skeins of Ella Rae were noticably different so it's better this way. I didn't want to just alternate skeins because I was afraid the color changes would be two random and jarring. With any luck I will be able to post a picture from my ipod onto here once I've got the ball rolling tonight!

UPDATE 01.06.13: Ok... I have unwoven everything I had done (about 16 inches, 4 bobbins) and the heddles are unthreaded so I am ready to resley at 15 epi. Unfortunately I won't be able to post photos for about two weeks, as my laptop is going on the road with my husband on a business trip. :-(  I may try to post some pictures directly from my Ipod, but they probably won't be of the quality that I generally like to use. My goal is to be able to send my husband a picture of the finished shawl sometime next week!  Wish me luck everyone! I am definitely keeping this one for myself- after all, a weaver has to be able to exhibit sample wares, right?

UPDATE: have aprox. 5 inches woven. I wish I had sett it at 15 epi. Or even 12 (if I had a 12 dent reed, of course...) I am having to remind myself that the sample of the ella rae I washed and dried already lofted up to almost twice the width, and the sock yarn will do the same, but perhaps not so dramatically. Having serious concerns over the amount of weft I have. I think tomorrow I am going to find a yarn in a complementary blue or green and do this project in weft stripes. Better safe than sorry!....

01.01.2013   This one scares me. I bought these yarns ages ago from Odd Balls Yarn shop (also the producer of the sock yarn weft), and the Ella Rae is so gosh-darn nice, it absolutely terrifies me to finally use it!  I'm still deciding on a pattern. It would probably be nice in plain weave, but... bleah.  The color is off in the weft yarn pic so I will try again tomorrow when the light is better. My goal is to thread the heddles and beam on tonight and maybe get started weaving? Maybe.


Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit