
prairiegirl (not verified)

Thanks endorph!  Incidentally, "manly sensibilities" were his words not mine...  :-)


Looks great - stick with the wool I never use anything else 


when you can shock yourself at the speed at which you can get things finished?  I love doing the quick things.

Nice job.  Very manly.

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

Call me crazy... as soon as I finished wet-finishing the last scarf, I warped up for this one, and then stayed up till two in the morning last night getting it started! (Hey, Christmas is SCARILY close!) This is one of those great challenges... trying to weave something for a guy friend that is both interesting to look at and weave, and not SO interesting that it offends his manly sensibilities. They warp is actually Kroy FX, but I ddn't really want to bother adding in a new yarn to make it correct in the listing. It was very fun taking it off the warping board; I could tell right away that it's going to make a very scrunchable fabric. Why did I keep sticking with those cotton warps for so long? Wool is so much better. Oh well, every day is a learning curve, right? 

UPDATE 11.19.2012

It's 4:00 straight up, and I just cut this scarf off the loom. I am in shock right now: I started the warping process about 10 pm last night, and I'm ready to wet-finish this already. I've set a new personal record for speed on this project! - which shows me the virtues of a straight draw versus a complicated treadling sequence. I can't believe it! This promises to be very light and airy- will post pics as soon as I've finished the wet-finishing.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit