

like a great sampling - looks like you are learning lots and having fun too!

r1mein54 (not verified)

Thanks endorph. I`m sure many will see the character flaw in the 4 pinks/ one green photo. That was an interruption and inadvertantly restarted with the opposite treadling direction.


Wow, what a fun sampling!  Good luck with the job hunt but we will miss you!  M


It looks very nice,I am a new  weiver, I am having a problem weiving the hopsack , If you have some time can you explain the steps or the pattern that you used.

Thank you

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

Still taking one pattern at a time for self education from Dixon`s "Handweavers Pattern Directory", I chose this time as inspiration to go with Hopsack on pages 46 & 47. I first applied the draft on Weave Design and put in approximate colors of stash I still have left to work from.  I will most likely send this sampler run to stepdaughter in Old Town, ME. and she can use them on quilts she sews. This may be the last weaving I do for a while as I can no longer afford early retirement and have been applying for jobs. I had an interview this past Friday and was told I was their best qualified applying candidate so far. Once again, when I start a practice weave the first time as a new item my mind seems to deviate very quickly to "what other alternate colors and treadling can I do with this at the same time". That is why you see different close photos and a much varied sampler run.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit