
sally orgren

Mindy, this looks fantastic! I would smile everytime I approached the warp if this was on my loom!

Leslie M (not verified)

Very nice, Mindy! I'm warping my loom with 10/2 cotton for Christmas towels also, so was vert interested to see your sett. I'm using the same sett different pattern though. Thanks for posting.


Very Christmas-e. If they are gifts, the recipients will be thrilled.  If they are for you, your kitchen will look festive.


Lauries (not verified)

They look great. What is the draft?  My next project will be towels to give as gifts. I am still trying to decided what to do.

Mindy Stowers (not verified)

I purchased the draft from Webs yarn (  It is called a Modified Star.  I am very new to weaving and I didn't have any 8/2 cotton or the right size reed.  The draft is actually smaller than pictured on the web site and doubled across.  The result is very dainty.  It is woven upside down so the threading and treadling is really easy.  The flip side is even prettier. I love the colors.

Mindy Stowers (not verified)

You are all so sweet!  I am so new to weaving.  You have really made my day.  Thank you so much!  Merry Christmas!  Happy New Year!  Fa-La-La :)


You get my vote, looks great. May the holiday's begin. Well, maybe it's a little early. :)

ozweaver (not verified)

These are just wonderful! So festive for the holidays!

Mindy Stowers (not verified)

ReedGuy and ozweaver.  I sincerely appreciate the encouragement

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit
Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit