
lavonnes (not verified)

Since living on Navajo reservation in early 60's I have always said, "Someday I will learn to do that." Now, I am retired. So it must be time to begin "doing it."  Anyway, after following a couple of samplers to learn techniques -- here goes.  Lavonne S.  Santa Fe, NM

lavonnes (not verified)

This is my first attempt at a Navajo style tapestry. Hopefully each new project will benefit from what I learn here.

r1mein54 (not verified)

Nice bold contrasting colors,,,,and like your little loom - looks like it would be fun to make one-

lavonnes (not verified)

The spring keeps the warp tight. I love it. See at

Susan1s (not verified)

It reminds me of a deck of playing cards.  Did it take you long to learn Navajo weaving?  I also love the loom as well.


Really nice. I like your outlining.

lavonnes (not verified)

I have by no means become good at Navajo weaving. I am a work in progress! It is pretty much like any tapestry weaving. They always lay in ends without leaving ends to deal with on the back. They do not cut the yarn, but break it so ends are feathered. I have taken workshops and followed instructions in Weaving a Rug Navajo Style by Caroline M. Spurgeon, the book that came with the loom. A class at our senior center uses Kirsten Glasbrook's book Tapestry Weaving.  The outlining and the black border on the sides are hard for me, but they are coming along.

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit
Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit