
Elk Ridge Orch… (not verified)

So I did this all by myself all the set up did I tell you that I went from using a RH loom, to using a tabletop leclerc, then a direct tie up dorset (borwood) and now this.. all in a span of 10 months


I love the color combination and the goose eye pattern. Thanks for the photos of threading, etc. I have had one class so far on floor loom and am waitin to pick up my new to me mighty wolf until after my week long workshop in a couple of weeks. I will get to do the workshop on my own loom. Woohoo - started on a rigid heddle at the end of August - am excited to work on the floor loom.


Elk Ridge Orch… (not verified)

its fun.. I want to be weaving on it right now, but am working... can only weave at nite! I had to figure out how to take apart loom to get in it to thread heddles and reed I just am opening books up and reading Good luck on your 1st adventure ...

r1mein54 (not verified)

Good for you !! and nice looking loom - is that an 8 shaft? I only have 4,,,suppose you won`t trade. Nice looking piece you wove up too.


I too started on a rigid heddle loom. Keep reading those books!  You're doing great. Sharon


You did a wonderful job. The contrasting color makes the pattern pop out of the fabric at you. Nice work. :)

Elk Ridge Orch… (not verified)

yep its an 8 shaft with the ability to go to 12. I got a great deal on it - its 30+ years old and I am the 2nd owner - the last owner had it in her basement for most of the 30years Sorry not going anywhere

Elk Ridge Orch… (not verified)

thanks for complements this yarn I selected started as a blanket I was going to double knit, then I woke up one monrnig and was like DAMN I am going to weave one. Its a little skinnier than I wanted it to be Will see once i get off the loom. I will give progress reports

Jeanne-Marie (not verified)

Looks great and a wonderful picture to show off the pattern!


I noticed this project a few days ago. It looks great!

Elk Ridge Orch… (not verified)

its taking a little longer to work on than I thought. loom is located in dinning/kitchen room (the largest room in house) and I keep on getting distrated by hubby, dog etc plus its alos the coolest room in the house I hope to get it finished by next weekend as I have another project to put on it.


product is beautiful - Job well done! Tina
Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit
Number of Shafts
Project Status
Sett Unit
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Width on Loom Unit