
Kelly Range

Beautiful! What was your reference for this project? I am going to try this after the rugs I am working on. I love the pattern plus the colors.

Jen Brown (not verified)

This is a draft from the Webs Yarn Company, available on their website.  I'm using that draft plus their color suggestions.  It has been fun, but slow going for me since this is first overshot I've done and following the treadling has been least for me.

lisaann1961 (not verified)

Beautiful...just out of curiosity, how did the sett work for you? I tried a different overshot pattern, with the same threads, but 13.33 epi seemed to flimsy. I ended up resleying at 16 epi.

lisaann1961 (not verified)

Beautiful...just out of curiosity, how did the sett work for you? I tried a different overshot pattern, with the same threads, but 13.33 epi seemed to flimsy. I ended up resleying at 16 epi.

Jen Brown (not verified)

Sorry lisaann1961, I haven't been on in months and just saw your question.  No, I didn't find the 13.33 epi flimsy with this pattern.  If anything it came out a little stiffer than I would have liked.  I'm trying to remember if it seemed flimsy prior to wet finishing, maybe a little bit. 

For finishng I didn't follow the instructions in the pattern since I knew my receipient never would for a baby blanket.  The instructions called for a cold hand wash and drying flat...ha.

Being cotton, I figured it could take a hot wash and the dryer.  The only difference was after the first hot wash I only put it in the dryer until it was damp and then pressed dry with a hot iron.  After that treatment it drew up tighter than what it was right off the loom.


I'm beginning to wish I had a loom with shafts after seeing so many wonderful weavings here


Jen Brown (not verified)

Thanks Mokeydokes, what I like about a floor loom isn't necessarily the extra shafts, but the speed over a rigid heddle or table loom.  Reminds me of the speed gain between a spindle and a spinning wheel.

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

This is my first time doing overshot.  I wanted to do a baby blanket for my neice who is expecting her first this spring.  The pattern (by Barbara Elkins) and yarn are from Webs Yarn company. 

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit