

The variegated thread works perfectly for these bookmarks, and the colors make them very perky!

prairiegirl (not verified)

TOO perky for me... I'm really not much of a red person! But, it's good to branch out and explore different colorways.


I for one love your colors.


sally orgren

to learn the rules. (And THEN you'll know how to break them! ;-) Crackle is pretty cool, and it's very fun to start designing your own patterns and sequences.

Pretty much everyone I know makes the same mistake at some point with overshot. They don't realize there is that sneaky little tabby in there.

For something different, I "turn" an overshot pattern, alternating the tabby with pattern for the warp, (and sleyed 2X as dense) so it becomes a one- shuttle weave. (And thereby will weave faster!) However, for an original four shaft pattern, when turning the draft, I needed to go up to six shafts. So if your loom only has 4 shafts, that can be a limiting factor to trying this technique.

And these are still LOVELY bookmarks! I am not much of a red person either, but you make these combination of colors sing.

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

 01.19.2012 So... I ran into a local (professional) weaver, and she informed me that crackle is actually woven with a tabby thread. I did not know this! The draft at didn't say so... so my bookmarks are more like a twill. Sheesh! That's ok, I'm flexible... and am threading bookmark warp # 3 in order to make a final attempt! My question now is if I should take the sett back down to 20epi to compensate for the additional tabby threads?  *** Making a 2nd effort to weave a balanced crackle (since the last one was, while attractive, decidedly weft-emphasis).*** UPDATE 01.16.2012:  The tighter sett has indeed improved the balance of the weave- I'm not entirely certain if it's totally balanced, but it's definitely much closer to being so.  UPDATE 01.18.2012 Finished weaving, wetfinishing, trimming, etc etc etc. I'm very pleased with how the variegated weft came out, AND I did some number-crunching this morning- using a 50% off coupon to purchase a multipack of variegated floss, my weft-cost per bookmark is a mere 25 cents! I haven't figured out the warp cost yet, but it's probably about the same-maybe even a little less. Once I've ironed out some minor issues as far as technique goes, I think I'm going to have a marketable product to take to craft shows- and maybe some local bookstores. (There- my goal is now official! I want to turn my hobby into my business someday.) 

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit