
Kristina (not verified)

Thank you for this nice pictures of your rug-project . It´s looking great exspecially the edge. 

Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

Your rug looks fantastic with the chair and floor. Well-earned rest!

bolivian warmi

Beautiful, Ellen, and I love the pictures of how you finished it. It so suits your home by the looks of it. I wouldn't know whether to put it on the wall or the floor as it is so lovely to look at.

Ellen (not verified)

Oh thank you Kristina, Bonnie, and Laverne! I am blushing here with all that praise ;-) ... but how I enjoy your comments!


Your rug is absolutely stunning! You have to be very proud! Congratulations! What will you be making next?

Ellen (not verified)

Oh thank you, how nice of you.

I honestly don't know, but if you look at my project page you can see that I like to try it all, from the finest silk to this heavy wool rug, - and everything in between :-)

cottageweaver (not verified)

Ellen, this is a beautiful rug!  And I love the 'resting on the laurels' photo of it in use.


I thought I had posted in here, must have been your thread on the finishing process. But anyway, that is a nice rug. Nice work.

I am thinking of just a simple wool rug and will be reading up on rug making, especailly about the final edgings.

Great stuff, this weaving thing. :)

Ellen (not verified)

Thank you very very much to both cottageweaver and reedguy for your nice comments about my rug. They are very much appreciated!
Draft Used
Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

This was a very interesting experience to weave and I am very happy with the result. It took a long time to do and the edges called "oriental braid" on Väv's homepage took a long time too but were worth the time spent :-)

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit