
B P (not verified)

Thor, your Overshot weaving looks great!


jlread (not verified)

Old time overshot patterns have no equal....and imagine they did these weaves on barn looms...(^_^)...

sally orgren

I am doing a run of Bertha Grey Hayes overshot right now. It IS fun! Looks complex and only 4 shafts!

What helps is each item is a different colored weft. If not, I would have been pulling my hair out after the 8th yard...


Kitty T (not verified)

I tried overshot for the first time during the Halloweave challenge and it was a blast! This pattern looks like it's turning out beautifully! Well done!


bolivian warmi

This is so striking. I think I prefer compact pieces of overshot pattern like this to the really large projects. Thus is another thing I wouldn't mind trying on my backstrap loom. Sally says she is doing a 4-shaft one. I wonder how many treadles she is using.


Your square is very well done!  I did an overshot scarf the third time I warped my loom as a beginning weaver.  It is a wonderful weave structure, it builds confidence and looks wonderful and complex.  I too am currently weaving an overshot pattern on 4 shafts, the Blooming Leaf of Mexico, one of my favorites.


laughingcloud (not verified)

Doesn't that pattern look like four spindles in motion!  I think of the tahkli because it moves so fast!

ChrisWeaveMaine (not verified)

Okay. My very next project is going to be overshot.  You and Kitty T's projects have convinced me I need to do this.  Thank you for the description, too, of it being a "uniquely colonial American invention."  That is very cool.


Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

This is a class project for "Overshot Odyssey" being taught by Rita Hagenbruch at The Fold in Marengo, IL.  I selected the "Flourishing Waves" pattern and I am planning on weaving a table runner.  Three or four pattern repeats... I want to see how it looks.  I like that Overshot is a uniquely colonial American structure.  It is deceptively simple in theory and yet visually so complicated and engaging.  I am blown away that I am sucessfully weaving this!

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit