
prairiegirl (not verified)

I love it! May we please, please, please have the draft? I haven't attempted overshot yet but I have to eventually.... :-)

jerirossiter (not verified)

Yes, at some point I'd like to post the draft - however, I'm 1)as much self taught as anything else 2)an engineer by trade and 3)I used Excel to develop the draft. Posting it now would mean it's in non-standard form and no-one would understand what I'm saying.  Stay tuned and we'll see what develops.


Oh, very nice!

I see that your previous version & this one both have the same sett.  Have you tried it a little more open?  It looks to me like you can't get the motifs square because the warp is too dense.

Your pardon if you've tried this already.

Badfaerie (not verified)

I'm enjoying your progress (journey?) as well.

Have you tried a temple to help get the correct ppi?

I also agree that the sett can make or break you in overshot. You want to go on the more open side of recommended for the tabby yarn. Also, using a softly spun/plied yarn for your pattern weft helps a lot. Wool, cashmere and the like is super easy to compress into the tabby mesh. Cotton, rayon and linen doesn't want to stay there and tends to want to push out your tabby weft unless you beat like a crazy woman in my experience.

rigidheddlewea… (not verified)

This is gorgeous. I'd like the draft too.

If you can afford it, get pixeloom ( If you can't, use the free version and take screen shots of your drafts, then save them as a graphic. You can post the graphic just about anywhere and everyone will understand it. ;)

pearleddie (not verified)

Looks very fresh and new

pearleddie (not verified)

Looks very fresh and new

jerirossiter (not verified)

1)Thank you ALL for your input.  Everything helps.

2) Cynthia, been working with the sett and the fibers.  First sample was sett 48epi.  Second was sett 36epi.  Third used a thinner tabby.  Fourth used a yet thinner tabby.  Fourth sample was pretty close to square, so I went with that combination of tabby, float, warp and sett when I doubled the width.  And got this.  I think I want to re-sley the reed a bit wider - after my "homework" is done.

3) Badfaerie, no "recommendations" came with the pattern with respect to fiber sizes .  I'm duplicating a 100 year old textile in pattern but not (yet) in the original materials of linen and wool or in original scale.  A softer float might be the ticket since I’m not interested in beating like a crazy woman.  However, this fiber was one in my stash which made it convienent.

4) Rigidheddleweav…, pixieloom, eh?  Hmmmmmmm. Worth looking into, certainly.  Thankyou.

5) Pearleddie, “fresh and new” eh? *snicker* Thank you.  Maybe it looks that way because overshot isn’t a common weave.  A day spent in my local weaving library suggests that the true G^3Gma’s overshot is roughly “cups and saucers”.  I developed THIS pattern based on a sample that was only 4” in diameter.  I later got a more expansive sample from which to work.

Again, many thanks.


This overshot will be a real beauty! Looks like you've gotten some good constructive advice about squaring it up. What is your intended use for your piece when it's done? Please keep posting your progress, it's a lovely pattern and you're off to a good start!

Badfaerie (not verified)

By recommended sett I meant that, for example, 8/2 cotton it is recommended you use a sett of 16-20 for a tabby weave. For overshot, I's sett it at or closer to 16 epi rather than 20. It will be easier to get 16 ppi around your pattern weft than it will be to get 20.

Just don't go too open with your tabby sett or your pattern weft can start distorting the web.

jerirossiter (not verified)

Intended use:  This is homework for an exchange.  Requirement is >190 ends & "square" with enough samples for the six members of class.  At 360+ ends, I'm good for the first requirement if not the second.  At this point, I'm 3.5 samples into the quantity requirement.  I had hoped to have lots of warp left for a sample for Mom and G.Aunt.  Those may have to be on the next warp.

Badfaerie, If I understand what you're saying, the general recommendation is to set 8/2 at 16-20epi for plainweave and you'd recommend the 16 end of that range for overshot.  Since my warp is 20/2 I'd need the recommended sett for the thinner guage fiber. (My engineering roots are showing, aren't they?)  Are these specs online, or in a reference that needs to be in my library, or____?

The real bummer is that I sampled, and sampled and thought I had identified the right combination before I started.  Ah, c'est la vie. 

Ultimate goal:  unknown.  If I have another 160 heddles, I might redo the pattern at three repeats wide.  GGGGma 's original piece was in a bedspread.  My Baby Wolf is a bit small for that wide a project.  Thing is, pretty as this may be, it's NOT GGGGma's overshot.  I still have a bit more design work ahead of me. 

On the other hand, my selvedges are getting better and I've learned something really key:  Tabby is tied up at one side of the loom or the other (and not in the middle) to aid in the reduction of "sinkers".  I was accidentally using a float treadle for my tabby and getting a line of tabby weft running across the underside of my work.

Oh, and I'm working on a draft suitable for publishing.  A little more fiddling and then the right format for uploading and I'll get it out.

jerirossiter (not verified)

Just had a "D'oh!" moment.  I can physically count the shots per inch that I am actually achieving and use that to set my sett.  *head slap*

Badfaerie (not verified)

Here's an  online sett chart

There are probably several in your library as well. Peggy Ostercamp I think has the most inclusive in the first book of her warping series.

It's a mathematical formula so it'll speak to your engineering side. But, for a quick answer, the recommended set for your 20/2 cotton is 24-30 EPI. If you sett it at 30 epi, you are going to have a hard time getting 30 PPI around your pattern weft. I found that using a set of 24 epi, makes it easier to your pattern square. You need 24 ppi for your tabby weft, meaning you are actually weaving at 48 ppi.

The closer sett wil be very hard to get square, and will make a much denser fabric.

Del (not verified)

And now that you have the pattern squared, thanks to your good work and all the great suggestio s, how about some borders? (I have a "thing" about overshot pieces without borders--- drives me mad.)

Del (not verified)

And now that you have the pattern squared, thanks to your good work and all the great suggestions, how about some borders? (I have a "thing" about overshot pieces without borders--- drives me mad.)

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

Making wider version of NOT my Great^3Grandmother's overshot.  I sampled and sampled, but when I used what I learned from sampling, the weaving is not balanced.  (The photo is foreshortened). 

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit