
Kitty T (not verified)

Thanks for the details! So many things can go wrong when you do something complex, but I have to say, the end result is pretty darn fabulous! I love the subtle and gradual changes in the pattern. I'd've made plenty of mistakes so I'm in awe of your lovely pieces!


r1mein54 (not verified)

Now to add some humor - having a mistake in a piece I weave I do not consider a mistake but the ever-possible chance outcome that ensures the project will be forever seen for what it is - a handmade item from a fallable human. Let`s see if we can make it worse? turn of a few lights, smudge the eyeglasses, forget your place or count, try to "stretch out" your yarn cutting some a little shorter to keep from making an emergency overnight order for another cone, miss threading a heddle and get out of sequence, miss a dent in the reed when slaying the warp. There`s bound to be more that can apply,,,anyone else want to share?


First I think this is a really pretty piece. I really like grey mixed with color. Ah, and mistakes! Along with r1 mein54 some humour! There was the time I was sooooooo excited I cut the piece off not allowing for my planned fringe with no hemstiching! Oh, the sinking feeling! Funny now, not then! I did a tiny little fringe with the aid of a tapestry needle. Took forever! I think mistakes in weaving keep us humble! And you know what, almost no one else ever sees them. So I think the Warp From Hell turned out really well!And good for you for Perserverance !

SallyE (not verified)

Thank you all for the nice comments.   I'm hoping I made so many mistakes on this one that I'll have used my my quota for awhile!

Don't some of the American Indian weavers put in a mistake on purpose so as not to compete with the Gods?   Well, I don't have to worry about doing that!


B P (not verified)

"Warp from hell" has yielded some beautiful weaving. Lovely colours, fab's heavenly!

Having to pull out threaded heddles because of threading errors is the pits; I usually adjourn and take a tea-break before I can face the task of re-threading them!


SallyE (not verified)

Wow, that must be strong tea if that is all it takes.   LOL!

B P (not verified)

Sally, I think it's the second hand zen of the chinese green tea...and also the fact that the tea-break is usually a long time!!

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This was my "warp from hell" - I can't believe how much went wrong while making this.   First, I got through about 3/4 of the warping (504 ends) when I realized that I'd made a mistake and dropped about 8 threads from the pattern way back at the beginning.   Well, there was no way to just added heddles and fix that, so I pulled it out and started over almost.   This was my first warp on my new-to-me countermarch loom, and so if you saw my posts about that you know I had a lot of trouble setting up the loom for the first time.  (Varpapuu loom)

Well, I finally got the loom warped and started weaving.   First I wove a little sample to make sure the threading was right.   I left some spacers in for the fringe and started weaving.   Then I realized much too late that I'd made a mistake too far back to re-weave it, but no matter.   The warp was plenty long so I ended that section and started over with a new piece.   Ops, another mistake realized too late, so I ended that, added spacers and started over AGAIN!    And as if that wasn't enough it happened once more!  Finally, I was able to do the piece I wanted - a 48" table runner.   When that was done I just wove off the rest of the warp with the middle part of the design and in a couple of colors.   I'll use that for some sewing project later.   Good thing I had a 5 yard warp to start with.   I lost a lot in just fringes.

So, I twisted the fringes and washed all the pieces.   Then while ironing, I discovered a very subtle threading error!   It's so subtle, that I didn't see ti while weaving, I didn't see it while twisting the fringe, I didn't see it until after the piece was washed.   I ironed it hard and now the mistake is again difficult to see!   But, I know it's there which is maddening.

I do like the pattern, however, and may actually do this again.   But next time I will remove that first sample from the loom and take a REALLY good look at it before continuing, because that threading mistake could only be seen from the underside.

This really was a Hell-o-weave!

Number of Shafts
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