
Dawn McCarthy

I commented on this and it didn't appear yet - so forgive if I repeat myself.  Congrats on your experiment and excellent record keeping - good documentation.


B P (not verified)

Thanks dawn. My record keeping gets better the more I weave...probably because my memory gets worse the more I weave! Time flies!!


Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

This was my first atempt to weave with energized singles. The warp yarn for this projest is a 13/1 cashmere sinles from ColourMart. I sized the yarn with linseed jelly after winding the warp, then warped up the loom. Everything worked OK, and the yarn behaved itself during weaving.


Pic1-Warp on the loom (Louet Magic).

Pic2 - a draft of Brighton Honeycomb from Sharon Alderman's "Mastering Weave Structure". I copied the original draft into as many different variations as I could think of: as a 'singles' this warp yarn has movement and I wanted to see whether each draft would look diferent when woven.

Pic3- I made a mistake when weaving, liked this mistake(!), so drafted it out and wove a sample.


The rest of the pics show the different drafts using the following wefts: 2/28 merino, same as warp, 60/2 x2 silk, 3/38 cashmere, bourette silk, singles linen and a 60/2 marled silk.


The samples were wet finished/lightly felted by hand, then tumbled dried.


I didn't get much differential shrinkage, but then I wasn't expecting to. My next shrinking project will be (hopefully) more shrunk!

Number of Shafts
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit