
Karren K. Brito

to combine 2/2 twill with plain weave.   I have combined twill with basket weave to get similar take up in both width and length.  When I weave plain weave and a twill on the same warp they come out different widths.

B P (not verified)

Are these yarns 'natural' colours, or have they been dyed? (The grey and the cream look really nice together)

I was also wondering if you prefer weaving with this wool yarn, as opposed to the acrylic from your previous project?

Thanks, Beth

r1mein54 (not verified)

First answer BP is that I believe this yarn (both) were natural and undyed and is somewhat a "scratchy feel". I did want to change to a different type of fiber to learn the difference in the feel and the work needed to achieve a decent appearance. The wool drags more than the acrylic and this wool I could easily break by pulling and did not have to cut with scissors like I did the acrylic. The grey yarn looks to be a spun mixture of specks of black, grey and specks of brown - like a tweed. It "fuzzed" a bit more from the rubbing of my reed than the off white did. Now its back to planning a new project and the setup needed to start it. Since I have several large cones of the off white - I am thinking of dyeing it and will attempt to do a piece 600-700 ends across (30 plus inches).
Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit
I had been preparing my parts to modify my warp beam and remove the apron and steel rods and install segment strips. After getting home from Jax Weavers Guild meeting Saturday I completed the change-out. I had picked up some cones of single wool so I wound them on and started weaving. I must say it is a big difference and a complete change in "feel" from using acrylic knitting yarn. I encountered a knot in one of the grey warp strands that broke the yarn from getting stuck in my #12 reed and figured out how to fix it and keep weaving. Doing a lot of bobbin refills so Dewalt is performing nicely. Addendum: Managed to finish this up today 9-15-2011. As I restarted I kept in mind what another guild member told me Saturday about how to pass the weft to finish selvedges on twill. I was going 'over' the right side floating warp and then went 'under' the left floater. Having a {lightbulb moment} thought, I switched my weft passes to go under the right and over the left floaters and it completely covered the floating warp sides and made a better selvedge for the last third of this project. The difference in the width of the twill and plain weave is that I purposely keep the plain weave at a count of 8 passes and the twill passes were about 12 count to intentionally making them wider.
Number of Shafts
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit