

Was your grandmother's towel handwoven?  I really like the pattern of your "new" towels.

Sharon Carey

Ellen (not verified)

Thank you, Sharon. I am not quite sure, but I know she had a loom and wove on it before I can remember.


ruthmacgregor (not verified)

Lovely, Ellen!  Your grandmother's towel (the original) looks like linen -- is it?

I love single-colour weavings like this, where the structure determines the pattern.  You get such a nice play of light on the fabric.  It really shows in the towels on your ironing board. 

Beautiful work!  (Again!)


sally orgren

Tell me about the loops! Did you weave those as the towel was being woven, or sew them later? (I love the loops on towels!) And did you weave those on a different loom (narrow band loom) of the same material?

Finally, did you set the warp differently in the raised areas, or was it just the nature of the twill that caused the difference in texture between bands?

Excellent project, a classic!

Ellen (not verified)

Thanks again, Ruth!

You are right about the linen, but I could just not find linen that fine in any of my yarn shops. I would have loved to do them in all linen, and if I ever find some, I will. But this was a pretty nice alternative.


Ellen (not verified)

I always make loops, - or tabs - on my towels. In my country a towel without one is considered unfinished and of little use, since they are hung on hooks in kitchens and bathrooms. So I have an inkle loom and always make tabs that fit the project. This one just had to be a plain weave, one colour, same yarn to suit this "old fashioned" look.

Yes, it is just the 1/3 vs 3/1 twill that makes that effect. I like its simplicity.

And thanks again for your supportive comment :-)




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I had an old heirloom towel from my grandmother's home that I loved and when I happened to find this fine cotton/linen yarn I decided to try to make something like it. I felt very good about doing this and felt connected to foremothers....

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