
sally orgren

As soon as a particular guildmate of mine sees this post, I am sure I am going to receive a PM from her! Have you thought to make this a program for your guild, or perhaps offer this as a class? Thank you for posting the how-to sequence of nicely taken photos for this project. What are you going to weave with the cotton?

rigidheddlewea… (not verified)

I have no plans for the spun cotton yet, but I'm finding spinning rather addicting! I'm sure I'll think of something to use it on, eventually. I used to hoard fabric. It would take 2 years, sometimes, before I'd finally find a use for some of it, but it was nice to have "in stock" when I needed it. :D

I also realized in the picture description, I used "it's" when it should be "its"...I don't see any place where I can edit that.

rigidheddlewea… (not verified)


I'm not in a guild or anything. I'm new to spinning. I received several pounds of cotton and an absolutely gorgeous Tsunami drop spindle (by Golding) as a donation from a viewer to support my site.  I love the drop spindle and often use it.

From there I started researching spinning wheels. This was my third charkha. The first one was made entirely of cardboard you mean on building a charkha or on spinning with one? I'm such a novice I wouldn't dream of giving a class on spinning. :S

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit
Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit