
dweaver (not verified)

The colors in the mats are very nicely done.  Also the design is very good.  What books did you have on your ipod?

repweaver (not verified)

Your son must be very happy with these.

sally orgren

As you know, I too, am having an *affair* with Mr. Monk's Belt this winter. However, Ms. Bronson has just intruded into our relationship, and I fear I will have to set him aside until I can get rid of her!

Linda Carta (not verified)

How pretty, Brenda!  I'm sure his meals will be that much better with your lovely placemats set beneath!  Your work is beautiful!  So glad to see you back at your loom; although your tapestry work always blows me away!

ozweaver (not verified)

These placemats will always remind me of listening to Cutting for Stone.  I love listening to books while weaving!

Thanks for these comments!  How funny about Ms. Bronson Lace ....a certain Ms. Huck is starting to pull me away from Mr. Monk's Belt.  It's always something, isn't it?

Finished Length Unit
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Length on Loom Unit

I made a set of four placemats for my younger son who lives in Manhattan.  His living room colors are blue/orange/deep charcoal.  He eats meals on a small table in this living room, and I was impressed that I had colors in my stash that would work well for him.  Wouldn't you think I'd be sick of this pattern already?  It's the most weaving on one draft I've ever done in 35 years!  A number of wonderful books on my ipod made weaving these three warps on the same draft a breeze! 

Number of Shafts
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Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit